Help Sought for Directory of Indian Spiritual Organisations Functioning Abroad

publicationINDIA, September 30, 2014 (Vivekananda Kendra): The booklet titled “The Global Vision and Mission of Swami Vivekananda, and how it inspired the Indian Spiritual Thrust World-wide” (downloadable online at highlights the need for a Directory of Indian Spiritual Organisations Functioning Abroad, and presents the details of the Project.

It contains an appeal from the President of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, the Convener of the Project, who has undertaken it with the blessings and support of the leading spiritual institutions of Bharath:

“We hereby appeal and invite all concerned, world over, to be a part of this important move, for a historic Spiritual Directory, by submitting, at their earliest convenience, all the required particulars through the Form available online, at The contact info of our Coordinator is given in the booklet. For questions, if any, or for clarifications and further details, please feel free to contact him. We earnestly request your kind participation in this noble venture.”

Source: Hinduism Today