Help from India is needed for protection of Bangladeshi Hindus ! – Adv. Ravindra Ghosh

New Delhi : Muslims kill animals with two methods. One is ‘halal’ and the other is ‘Zatka’. ‘Halal’ means killing after torturing. In Bangladesh, secularism has gone for a toss. Attacks on Hindus are also increasing. We are fighting against them; but we want help from India and Indian pro-Hindu organizations. The above appeal was made by advocate Rabindra Ghosh, the President of ‘Bangladesh Minority Watch’. He was speaking on the topic of ‘Hindus’ condition in Bangladesh’ in a program organized by ‘Indian Law Institute, Delhi’ during 4th international conference on ‘Human Rights Defence International’. Shri. Ghosh showed incidents of attack on Hindus to the participants, with the help of projector through ‘slide show’.

Advocate Ghosh said further,

1. “Every day Hindu women are raped in Bangladesh.

2. If someone tries to lodge a complaint with police, police pay no heed. It requires lot of beseeching for police to take down a complaint.

3. If complaint is registered, the aggrieved woman does not come to police station to give evidence and the person involved is not punished.

4. The Courts have passed 14 Acts against the offence of rape; but they are not so strong; therefore, incidents of rape are increasing day by day.

5. In one case, a Muslim died; therefore, 35 Hindus were unnecessarily implicated and imprisoned.

6. Muslims got angry with me because I fought against them and they attacked me right in the Court.

7. We are fighting for human rights of Hindus from Bangladesh by endangering our life. Your cooperation is also necessary in such fight.”

Shri. Sanjeev kumar and Shri. Daivesh Redkar met advocate Shri. Ravindra Ghosh before the program and presented to him a copy of ‘Sanatan Panchang 2014’.

Source: Hindu Janajagruti Samiti