Happy Father’s Day, Digital Ekal, Self Reliant Villages

25 years – 10 million children educated – 53,000 villages impacted

Happy Father’s Day


Thandhai Makarkaatrum Nandri Avaiyaththu MundhiI ruppachCheyal


The benefit which a father should confer on his child is to give him precedence in the assembly of the learned. – Thiruvalluvar, Tamil Philosopher, 3rd Century BC

360 Villages in Ajmer, Rajasthan Become Self-Reliant


360 villages from the Ajmer anchal have now become self-reliant. Most schools in this Anchal are about seven years old. Collections from the villages and local town will help run these schools. Over fourteen thousand people from the villages and local towns attended and event. The pledges were made at a grand function that was presided over by Chief Minister Vasundhra Raje and Dr Subhash Chandra ( Zee ). “This is truly a special moment. The local team under the vibrant leadership of Shri Subhash Kabra took a vow to achieve it and they succeeded.  My sincere thanks to the leaders  Patron-Shri Anand Prakash Arora  and President-Shri Subhash Kabra for this remarkable achievement” said Shyam ji Gupta.

Ekal: Transforming lives with Digital Technologies

The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation, New York City Chapter & The Citi Commercial Bank One Citi India Initiative Cordially invite you to a Panel discussion and Reception on

Key Note Address

Professor Ganesh Ramkrishnan (IIT Mumbai)
The Citibank Executive Conference Center 153 E 53rd Street, NY
Date and Time: July 8, 2016 at 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Lokavidya allowed a novice mason successfully build a BioGas Plant in 2 Days!!
The penetration of mobile phones and tablets in rural India presents a great opportunity to use technology for learning and knowledge sharing. Prof Ramakrishnan will describe Lokavidya, a tool developed at IIT Bombay that promises to bring quality Skill training to the last mile. This team is partnering with Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA to bring the solutions to the remote rural villages of India.
While the event is complimentary, RSVP will be required to gain admission. Kindly confirm your attendance with subash.midha@gmail.com or ranjani.saigal@ekal.org ByJuly 1 2016.
New GRC in Guwahati


A new Gramothan Resource Center has been inaugurated near Guwahati, in Assam. The new center will bring skill training to villagers in surrounding villages. This will have a huge impact on economic development in the area.

Many Ways to Donate


1) Donate form our website:

Please donate to EKAL: https://www.ekal.org/donate
2) Donate your old car:
If you are thinking of donating your old car, consider donating to Ekal.
The process is simple and easy. Once you fill up the online form, our appointed partner agency will do the needful.
3) Online Purchase :
If you buy at Amazon, please use the following url www.smile.amazon.com and designate “Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA” (you can search charities by name) as your ch
arity. Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase value to Ekal on all purchases made through smile.amazon.com.
4) Donate by check:
If you would prefer to donate by mail, send a check made out to “Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA” and mail to:
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA
1712 Hwy 6 South, Ste A
Houston, TX 77077
5) Other:
Thank you for you generosity !
A $365 contribution can support a school with upto 30 children for an entire year!
We are a 501 c(3) organization, accredited by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. Your donation is entirely tax deductible. 


Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA

Source: Ekal.org