Gudi Padwa

Gudi Padwa 2014:

The Holy festival which marks the beginning of the New Year, new month and new day for Hindus, falls on Chaitra Shukla Pratipadā (the first day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Chaitra). It is known as Gudī padwa (Maharashtra) or Yugaadi (Ugādi) (Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh) in India‏.

This year Gudi Padwa falls on March 31st 2014.

Message of His Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale on the Hindu New Year


History has been witness to the fact that struggle is inevitable for the re-establishment of Dharma (Righteousness). Lord Shriram united 18 Padma (1 Padma = 1015) monkeys to establish ‘Ramrajya’, while Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj united thousands of Mavalas to fight for and establish the ‘Hindavi Swarajya’ (Nation of Righteous governance).

Even today, the unity of devout Hindus is essential so as to dispense the so-called ‘secular’ democratic system that has led to the deterioration of Bharat in all areas and to establish a Dharma-based ‘Hindu Nation’ (meaning, Ramrajya).

The establishment of the ‘Hindu Nation’ is not going to be a day’s task, but a process that will continue over the next 10 years  For this, the first stage (lasting 4-5 years) will involve uniting all devout Hindus active in various fields such as political parties, media, various sects, organisations, etc. For the sake of Nation and Dharma uniting lawyers and intellectuals working at an individual level will be also necessary. In the second stage, this unity of Hindus will complete the mission of establishing the ‘Hindu Nation’.

Therefore, become active and raise the ‘Gudi’ of Unity of Hindus to begin the process of establishing the ‘Hindu Nation’ from this Gudi Padwa (The Hindu New Year day) itself !

– (H.H.) Dr. Jayant Athavale (The Source of inspiration behind Forum For Hindu Awakening)

Hindu New Year

Hindu New Year

There are natural, historical and spiritual reasons to mark the commencement of the year on the first day of the month of Chaitra.


There are several ways of commencing a New Year. According to the Christian calendar, 1st January marks the beginning of the year. The financial year begins from 1st April, the Hindu New Year from the first day (Pratipadā) of the month of Chaitra from the Hindu lunar calendar, the commercial year from the first day of the Hindu lunar month of ‘Kārtik’, the solar (soura) year, the lunar (chandra) year, the luni-solar year and so on. In all these, the year comprises of twelve months. Who first proclaimed that a year should consist of twelve months and how did the world come to accept it ? The foremost exponent of this concept is undoubtedly the Vēdas, the most ancient literary texts. The Vedas say, ‘A year consists of twelve months’. It is because they say so that the world has accepted it. Out of all these days of beginning a year the most ideal one is the first day of the month of Chaitraaccording to the Hindu lunar calendar.

Why Celebrate New Year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada?

One should note that there is no explanation as to why the 1st of January is the beginning of the New Year. Someone conceived that it should be so and thus it began. Contrary to this, there are natural, historical and spiritual reasons to mark the commencement of the year on the first day of the month of Chaitra.

1. Natural:

Towards the first day of the month of Chaitra (Padwa), the sun assumes a position above the Vasant intersection (the point of intersection of the equator and the meridians) and the spring season commences. In Shrīmadbhagwadgitā (10.35), The God says, ‘Among the seasons, the exhilarating Vasant season (spring) is my manifestation’. In this season, the weather is pleasant and exhilarating. In the Shishir season (autumn) the trees shed their leaves. Towards Padwa, trees bear new foliage and appear fresh.

2. Historical:

Shrīrāma slayed Vali on this day. Shriramchandra returned to Ayodhya after slaying the evil demons and Ravan on this very day. The Shakas too defeated the Huns on this day. This day also commemorates the commencement of the Shalivahan calendar after Shalivahan vanquished his enemies.

3. Spiritual:

3A. Creation of the universe: Since on this day Deity Brahmā created the universe and the Satyayuga began, it marks the commencement of the New Year.

3B. One among the three and a half auspicious days (‘Muhurts’): Gudī  padwa ( Hindu New year)Akshay Trutīyā andDushehrā (Vijayā Dashmī) each make up one, and the first day of the Hindu lunar month of Kartik comprises half of the total three and a half auspicious days. The special feature of these three and a half auspicious days is that unlike other days when one has to choose an auspicious moment to perform a ritual, in contrast, on these auspicious days one does not need to, as every moment of these days is auspicious.

3C. The higher incidence of Prajāpati sanyūkta  (conjoint) frequencies on the earth: The Tantra text Ganeshyamal states that in all 108 frequencies, one each from the four parts (charans) of the twenty-seven lunar asterisms from the region of lunar asterisms (Nakshatrālok / karmadēvlok) 27×4=108 reach the earth. They disintegrate further into four types of frequencies –yama, sūrya, prajapati and sanyukta.

On this day, the Tēj  and Prajapati  frequencies are effective in large measures. During sunrise on this day, the Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) emitted from these frequencies can be retained for a longer period. It is accumulated in the cells of the embodied soul and is used by the embodied soul as and when required. Therefore within 5-10 minutes of sunrise one should perform ritualistic worship of the Gudhi.

Significance of Gudi Padwa – Hindu New Year 

Introduction to the celebration of the Hindu new year Gudi Padwa.

1. Introduction

The Holy festival which marks the beginning of the New Year, new month and new day for Hindus, falls onChaitra Shukla Pratipadā (the first day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Chaitra). It is known as Gudī padwa (Maharashtra) or Yugaadi (Ugādi) (Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh) in India. On this very day Deity Brahmā created the Universe. Therefore for Hindus, this day carries special importance. The day is celebrated with an auspicious bath, followed by decorating the main door with a garland (toran), performing ritualistic worship and hoisting the DharmaDhwaj or Gudhi (flag).

2. Significance of Gudi padwa

The word Padwa is derived from two syllables, Pad Vaa.

Pad – Means tending towards perfection or maturity.

Vaa – In spirituality, the word ‘Vaa’ indicates that which increases growth.

Deity Brahmā dēv’s creation of the universe i.e. a complete picture of the universe when ready, is pad. Later more was added or some alterations were made, so as to make the universe more beautiful and perfect. Therefore, the day on which Deity Brahma perfected the creation of the universe is called padva. When the hoisting of the DharmaDhwaj was added to the celebrations, this day came to be known as Gudi padwa.

3. Scriptural view of Gudi padwa (Chaitra Shukla Pratipada)

After every cosmic vibration a new universe is created, that day is Gudi padwa. 

Initially Earth was entirely covered by water. Then, at the beginning of what we now call summer, the Sun Deity started His penance. His radiance increased manifold due to the power of his penance. When the Sun Deity finished His penance, one fourth of the water on Earth had been evaporated. The time taken for that is called the summer season now. Thereafter the Sun Deity reverted to His original state i.e. the amount of heat became progressively less. As the water evaporated, it released a number of different gases which formed the atmosphere. Then, on the same day, from the interior of the earth, green land laden with trees and vines, rose up smoothly. Thus, the day on which Deity Brahma created the Universe, is known as Gudi padwa.

4. Significance of the special DharmaDhwaj

On this day a small round pot is inverted and kept on top of a bamboo stick. This is ritualistically worshipped and hoisted as a flag which is known as the DharmaDhwaj (as shown in the picture). The stick represents the spine and the pot represents the human head. The bamboo also has ‘vertebrae,’ like the human spine. In the human body, the head, which is of the shape of zero and the spine (vertebral column), are important organs. Another representation is the sperm of a human being which similar to the shape of the number one (1) in Devnagari script.

The implied meaning of the components of the DharmaDhwaj**

DharmaDhwaj Man
1. The inverted pot Head
2. Stick Part of the body below the neck

5. The ideal time to hoist the DharmaDhwajOn this day the Prajāpati frequencies and absolute fire element (Tējtattva) are active on a large scale. The Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) transmitted through these frequencies at the time of sunrise, is long lasting. It is stored in the cells of an individual and is utilized later, as per ones need. Therefore, the flag should be hoisted and worshipped within 5 to 10 minutes following sunrise.

6. Importance of the substances used for hoisting the DharmaDhwaj

Importance of mango leaves:

The proportion of the spiritually pure (Sattva) component is more in mango leaves compared to other leaves and hence they have more capacity to attract the Divine principle. The mango leaves are tied at the tip of the flag. Tender mango leaves are recommended rather than fully mature ones as the capacity of the tender leaves to attract Divine frequencies is 30% compared to 10% in mature leaves. The absolute fire element principle is also more in tender leaves and hence they should be the ones used in ritualistic worship.

Importance of neem leaves:

A garland of neem leaves is put around the flag. Neem represents the frequencies of the spiritually pure component (Sattva). They are next only to mango leaves in attracting the Divine principle. ThePrajapati frequencies present in the atmosphere are attracted through the tender neem leaves on this day. We receive the Prajapati frequencies in a subtle form through the medium of neem leaves.

* Divine knowledge received by seekers doing sādhanā per Gurukrupāyoga.

To know more about this Dvine knowledge please visit the about us section of this website.

Spiritual Science Underlying Hoisting of The Gudi


This article provides information about the appropriate method and spiritual science underlying the hoisting of the Gudi.


Gudi Padwa is the Hindu New Year Day that falls on the first day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu Lunar month of Chaitra that is Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada. This day has natural, historical and spiritual significance. Hindu Dharma has prescribed a specific way to celebrate this day in order to derive maximum benefit at the spiritual level, which is the most subtle and effective dimension in our life. Celebrating The New Year as per the guidelines of Hindu Dharma we derive benefits that last long and facilitate our journey towards experiencing perpetual Bliss.

Let us learn more about the correct method of hoisting of the Gudi or Brahmadhwaj and the spiritual science underlying it.

Method of raising the Gudi

Position of the Gudi: Care should be taken to raise the Gudi next to the main entrance of the house. The spot selected should be on the right side of the entrance (when facing outwards from the entrance of the home).

  1. The area selected for raising the Gudi should be cleaned and then a Swastik with rangoli powder should be drawn on the ground. Turmeric and vermilion (Haldi-kumkum) should be offered at the centre of the Swastik.
  2. While raising the Gudi, the ‘Shiva-Shakti’ principle in the Universe should be invoked. This enables all the constituents of the Gudi to accept divine principles.
  3. The Gudi symbolizes the ‘Sushumna nadi’ of our body. Hence, the Gudi should be raised at the entrance. And it should be kept tilted at an angle. – A Scholar (through the medium of Ms. Anjali Gadgil)


  1. The tilted position of the Gudi symbolises the activated Sushumna nadi (channel) of the Jiva due to his surrender unto God.
  2. When the Gudi is raised in a tilted position its capacity to emit the raja predominant frequencies of God increases. Due to which the Jiva benefit from the divine consciousness in the environment for a longer time.
  3. When the stick is kept on the floor just outside the main entrance, the bottom of the stick touches the ground. The effective downward flow of the sattva frequencies to the floor from the stick prevents the upward flow of distressing frequencies from the ground. Thus the house as well as the atmosphere around the house becomes charged with chaitanya due to the Gudi.
  4. The copper pot (Kalash) on the Gudi has more capacity to attract and emit the sattvik frequencies related to the higher principles in the universe. The sattvik frequencies emitted from this pot activate the colour particles in the Neem leaves.
  5. Raja predominant Shiva and Shakti (divine energy) frequencies are emitted from these colour particles in the leaves. The active frequencies at the unmanifest level get transformed into manifest frequencies at the level of the leaves.
  6. These frequencies are then absorbed by the silk cloth and are emitted in the downward direction as needed.
No. Item used in Gudi Frequencies Emitted Purification of the atmosphere
1. Neem Leaves   Active Raja predominant Shiva-Shakti Eight directions
2. Copper pot (Kalash)   Sattvik, related to higher principles Upward
3. Silk cloth (Kalash)   Active Raja predominant Shiva-Shakti  Downward


From the description above we will come to know what happens at the subtle level when we hoist the Gudi.  As this process is subtle, it is beyond five senses, mind and intellect. To understand the subtle dimension in the true sense we should have highly activated sixth sense or extra sensory perception. Doing regular spiritual practice as per the six basic principles of spiritual practice helps develop sixth sense as one progresses spiritually. Our yesteryear Sages did intense spiritual practice and understood the subtle process that happens while hoisting the Gudi and its immense benefits.

This year while hoisting the Gudi we can focus on what we feel at the subtle level, how is our mind, how is our breathing and chanting etc, which will give us a glimpse of experience of the subtle dimension.

Let us derive maximum benefit from the guidance of our great Sages and Saints by celebrating each festival as per the guidelines of Dharma.

O Hindus, celebrate new year as per Hindu Dharma

Forum for Hindu Awakening urges all Hindus not to celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31 and New Year Day on January 1; because it is not only incorrect but it has a spiritually harmful impact on people and the environment.

O Hindus, celebrate New Year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada !

“When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflected about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.” – Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein’s quote is very significant for everyone, especially, Hindus. He was neither born a Hindu nor did he practice Hinduism; still he could understand the essence of Hindu Dharma. Like him, there are many other famous people who have realised that Hindu Dharma offers much more than any other religion.

In any Scripture of Hinduism, neither December 31 nor January 1 has been mentioned as the day when this universe was created. In ancient times (a few thousand years ago), December 31 or January 1 did not exist. No one celebrated these days as the New Year. In recent years, due to the influence of Christianity, December 31 and January 1 came into existence, followed by its celebration as the New Year.

In contrast, Sages from Hindu Dharma have studied the creation of universe deeply and with their Divine abilities, they have precisely identified the day when the universe was created. They have also calculated the total time span that has passed by, and when the complete dissolution of universe will occur.

Therefore, as a follower of Hindu Dharma, celebrating December 31 and January 1 as New Year’s Eve and New Year Day respectively is like celebrating a birthday on any random day than on the correct birth day.

Forum for Hindu Awakening urges all Hindus not to celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31 and New Year Day on January 1; because it is not only incorrect but it has a spiritually harmful impact on people and the environment.

Be proud of your Hindu Dharma; celebrate New Year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, when this universe was actually created.

Practical tips

We may come across situations where our non-Hindu friends or colleagues may ask us why we are not celebrating New Years eve; we can proudly tell them about the creation of the universe and spiritually adverse impact on December 31 and January 1. If it is not possible to explain it, we can simply tell them that our New Year falls in March-April, similar to Chinese New Year.
If the non-Hindu friends or colleagues are interested, they can be invited to celebrate the New Year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada

How to Celebrate Gudi Padwa?

Article describing the celebration of the Hindu festival of Gudi Padwa, the Hindu new year.

1. Ablution with oil (abhyangasnan) – an auspicious bath: On this day one should wake up early in the morning and take an oil bath. With an ordinary bath the raja and ‘tama’ components decrease by 1/1,00,000 % and the sattva component increases by the same amount for a duration of only three hours. However with an oil bath it lasts for four to five hours. An oil bath consists of an oil massage to facilitate the absorption of oil by the skin followed by a warm water bath. Oil should be applied to retain the elasticity of the skin. Warm water is auspicious and pleasing to the body. Bathing after an oil massage retains only that amount of oiliness that the skin and hair require. Hence an oil massage is necessary before a bath. Application of oil after a bath is inappropriate.

‘One should narrate the description of the time period (‘deshkal’) when taking an oil bath. The manner ofnarration of the time period is peculiar among the Indians (Bharatiyas). This encompasses everything from the birth of Lord Brahma to the duration of His reign, the current ‘manvantar’, the great era (mahayug) in that‘manvantar’ and the sub-era (‘upayug’) in that ‘mahayug’. This will also give one an idea of the vast amount of time that has elapsed and is yet to come. Each one thinks he is great. It is only after narrating this vast time frame of the universe that one realises how small and subtle one is ! This helps in reducing man’s vanity and is thus a great benefit.’  The scriptures have recommended an ablution with oil on five days of the year that is 1. The commencement of the New Year (sanvatsar).

A. The first day of the celebrations of the Vasant (spring) season, that is the first day of the dark fortnight of the month of Phalgun.

B. The three days of ‘Divali’, namely the fourteenth and the new moon day of the dark fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Ashvin and the first day of the bright fortnight of the month of ‘Kartik’.

2.  Decorating the doorstep: After a bath one should decorate the lintel of every door with a bunting of mango leaves and red flowers. Red flowers are used because red colour indicates auspiciousness.

gudi-puja-utensiles3. Ritualistic worship (puja): First ritualistic worship of God as a routine ritual is done. ‘One should perform a ‘mahashanti’ on New Year’s day. The shanti begins with the worship of Lord Brahma, as He is responsible for creating the universe on this day. He is offered davna (a kind of fragrant plant) during the worship. Later asacrificial fire (hom) and offering of oblations through the fire (havan) are performed and offerings to Brahmans are made. Then Lord Viíhnu who manifests Himself in countless forms is worshipped. Obeisance is paid to Him chanting the mantra meaning ‘I bow to Lord Vishnu who manifests in innumerable forms.’ Then the Brahmans are offered money or presents (dakshina) and if possible historical and mythological texts (Purans) are presented to them. It is beleived, that by performing this ‘shanti’ one is cleansed of all sins, no new sins are generated, the lifespan is increased and one becomes wealthy.’ (1) By performing a sanvatsar worship, all sins are cleansed, the lifespan is prolonged, a woman’s married life is prolonged and one acquires serenity. On this day, the Deity of that day of the week is also worshipped.

The following table gives the days of the week and the corresponding presiding Deity of that day.

The table below compares the soothing effect of various substances. This will clarify why when the weather changes and summer begins ‘davna’ (a fragrant leaf) is offered in ritualistic worship everyday, in the month of Chaitra. Though both sandalwood and davna have the same ability to impart a soothing effect, sandalwood can do so only when it is wet unlike ‘davna’ which is effective throughout the day.

4. Hoisting of the Gudi: The gudi, which is Brahma’s flag (Brahmadhvaj) is hoisted in every house as a symbolic representation of Rama’s victory and happiness on returning to Ayodhya, after slaying Ravan. Since a symbol of victory is always held high, so is the gudi (flag).

A bright green or yellow cloth adorned with brocade (zari) is tied to the tip of a long bamboo over which gaòhi (a type of sweet), neem leaves, a twig of mango leaves and a garland of red flowers is tied. This is then hoisted by placing a silver or copper pot placed in the inverted position over it. Beautiful designs with special powder of soft, white stone (rangolis) are drawn on the floor in front of it. Everyone eagerly waits to usher in the New Year. Then uttering the words, ‘I offer obeisance to the flag of Lord Brahma’ one should ritualistically worship the gudhi with a resolve. Since Lord Brahma created the universe on this day, this flag is called ‘the flag of Brahma’ (Brahmadhvaj) in the scriptures. Some also refer to it as ‘the flag of Indra’ (Indradhvaj).







The prajapati frequencies enter the house from the atmosphere using the gudhi as a medium. (This operates just like the antenna of a television set). The next day onwards one should use the pot for drinking water as it is charged with the prajapati frequencies and imparts the same kind of impressions to the water in it. Thus one gets the benefit of the prajapati frequencies throughout the year.

5. Listening to the religious almanac (Panchang shravan): One should ritualistically worship the astrologer or priest and ‘listen to the benefits in the coming year. The benefits of listening to the religious almanac are as follows : ” By listening to the discourse on auspicious dates (Tithis) one acquiresmoney (Lakshmi), by that of the day of the week – longevity; by that of lunar asterisms – nullification of sins; by that of the constellation – cure of disease and success in whatever one plans. Listening to the religious almanac daily endows the merit equivalent to bathing in the holy Ganga.”

gudi-prasad-preparation6. An offering (Prasad) of neem: Since neem has the highest ability to absorb prajapati frequencies, on this day it is partaken of as an offering (Prasad). One should distribute this offering prepared by mixing together tender leaves and flowers of neem, soaked split gram lentil (dal) or soaked gram, honey, cumin seeds and a little of asafoetida amidst chanting of a mantra.

The following table gives the ability of certain substances to absorb frequencies. From that one will become cognisant as to why neem is partaken of on Gudhipadva day and milk, curd, clarified butter (ghee) and sugar are avoided in the month of Chaitra.

7. Ploughing the soil: On this day one should start ploughing the soil. As a result the soil below is churned up. The subtle soil particles get charged with the prajapati frequencies and its ability to germinate seeds increases manifold. Consecrated rice (akshata) should be sprinkled on the instruments used in farming and on the oxen amidst chanting of the mantra, which generates the prajapati frequencies. Labourers working in the fields should be gifted with new clothes. The meal given to the labourers and oxen on that day should comprise of ripe pumpkin, lentil (mung dal), rice, puran [gram lentil (dal) cooked till soft and ground to a paste with jaggery], etc.

8. Donation: The needy should be given all kinds of offerings as per our capacity. For example, offering free drinking water by setting up a stall.

9. Performing actions which bestow happiness: One should spend this day happily, listening to auspicious songs, musical instruments and stories of holy men. One should enjoy the night with one’s wife. Thus the entire year becomes a happy one.

10. Greeting cards: Usually greeting cards are sent to relatives and friends for Diwali or the Christian New Year. Instead one should send greeting cards on the first day of Chaitra as this is the real beginning of the year.

Creation of the Universe

The creation of the Universe happened on the Hindu Calendar Date (tithi) of Chaitra Shukla Pratipadā. Thus, the Hindu calendar begins on the sunrise of this tithi. This date usually falls on any day from late March to mid-April on the Gregorian calendar.


There are many theories regarding the creation of the Universe, such as the Big Bang theory, the Protouniverse theory, the Inflationary theory, the Bubble Universe theory, etc. Out of these the Big Bang theory is most widely accepted by the scientific community. According to this theory, the big bang occurred almost 13.8 billion years ago and the Universe came into existence.

In this article, we will explain concepts of the Creation of the Universe according to Hindu Dharma.

Creation of the Universe

In a Hindu Scripture, the ‘Chandogyupanishad’, it is said that the Supreme God (Paramēshwar) made a sankalpa (resolve) ‘I am one, I will manifest in several forms’, and the Universe was created.

The calculation of the number of years since the creation of the Universe as well as the number of years till the dissolution of the Universe has been done by the Sages in India. Sage Vasishtha has mentioned that the creation of the Universe happened 34.5 billion years ago.

The creation of the Universe happened on the Hindu Calendar Date (tithi) of Chaitra Shukla Pratipadā. Thus, the Hindu calendar begins on the sunrise of this tithi. This date usually falls on any day from late March to mid-April on the Gregorian calendar.

Time span of the creation of the Universe

India is the spiritual guide of the world; hence the Sages have the Divine capability to calculate the time span since the beginning of the Universe. Just as one year is divided into 12 months, each month is divided into 30 or 31 days, each day is divided into 24 hours and so on, similarly, the Sages have calculated the time span since the creation of the Universe using Their spiritual strength as follows –

The time span has been divided into thousands of years, called as Yugas. There are four Yugas in total.

1. Satyayuga : 1,728,000 years

2. Trētāyug : 1,296,000 years

3. Dwāparyug : 864,000 years

4. Kaliyuga : 432,000 years

Total : 4,320,000 years

The total number of years of all these four Yugas is known as a Mahāyuga.
1 Mahayuga = 4,320,000 years

When a Mahayuga is multiplied by 1000, it is known as 1 kalpa.

A kalpa is one day in the life of Deity Brahma. One night in the life Deity Brahma is also as long as 1 kalpa

1 kalpa (One Day of Deity Brahmā)
4,320,000 x 1000

4,320,000,000 years

1 kalpa (One Night of Deity Brahma)
4,320,000 x 1000

4,320,000,000 years

At the end of each kalpa, the Bhūlok (Earth region), Bhuvarloka (Nether plane) and Swargaloka (Heaven) are dissolved and new creation begins.

1 day + 1 night of Deity Brahma
4,320,000,000 + 4,320,000,000

8,640,000,000 years

1 year of Deity Brahma
360 days + 360 nights
4,320,000,000 x 360 + 4,320,000,000 x 360

1,555,200,000,000 + 1,555,200,000,000

3,110,400,000,000 years

The lifespan of Deity Brahma is 100 years
3,110,400,000,000 x 100

311,040,000,000,000 years

When Deity Brahma’s lifespan culminates, there is complete dissolution of all creation and new creation begins. Currently, 50 years of Deity Brahma have passed and we are in the 51st year of Deity Brahma’s lifespan.


The above information highlights the greatness of Hindu Dharma. Indian Sages have calculated the exact time span since the creation of the Universe and have also studied when the dissolution of this creation will occur. They have also told us the exact day when the creation of the Universe happened.

This is just one example of the greatness of Hindu Dharma; like this, there are many examples where we can learn about the greatness of Hindu Dharma. Being a follower of Hindu Dharma, naturally this will make us proud of our Hindu Dharma.

If we compare the above with the history of December 31 or January 1; it will be clear that Hindu Dharma’s information has been derived after in-depth study by the Sages. Hence, celebrations of December 31 or January 1 have no spiritual significance. Therefore, let us celebrate New Year on the tithi (Hindu Calendar Date) Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, instead of celebrating December 31 as New Year’s eve and January 1 as the New Year,.

Source: Forum For Hindu Awakening