The acting Governor of New Delhi has named the avenue after Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh. It used to carry the name of the king who believed in extreme religious intolerance, genocide and destruction of holy temples and gurudwaras. justice is done finally, it was delayed by people who wanted to bury the details of mughal’s mudereor’s raj.
Governor Delhi: Regain National PRIDE by renaming Aurangzeb Road (Cruel…
Here is the petition that started the salutary change.
Rename Aurangzeb Road
DSGMC – Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee
My Fellow Citizens
Please do not mistake this for HATE or another attempt to rake up the past or religious bigotry. I have the fullest respect for our Muslim brothers and hold the Muslims in reverence.
As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of Art of living said “No nation can move forward, unless it squarely faces its past. The courage to remember helps us not to repeat the same mistakes and to build a better future for our children”.
So, it is necessary to regain our National Pride and make wrong things RIGHT!
I am OUTRAGED that a road where Billionaires live and a stone’s throw away from the Prime Minister’s residence; is named after one of the most tyrannical tormentor perpetrator of Intolerant Inhuman Barbaric crimes in India.
The decorated glorification is AURANGZEB ROAD. This road serves as a constant reminder of the horrors Aurangzeb perpetrated against Indians, including his own people. Emperor Aurangzeb has the following claims to his fame:
- Executed own brother Dara Shikoh for taking an interest in Hindu religion.- Confined his father in his own palace at Agra. Killed one brother and had two other brothers, a son, and a nephew executed.
- Initiated laws, which interfered with non-Muslim worship.
- Enforced the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam with economic and political coercion. His rule significantly favoured Muslims over non-Muslims.
- Gave out robes of honor, cash gifts, and promotions to converts to convey that conversion was a sure way to the Emperor’s favour.
- Outlawed music and other performances in 1668. Both Muslims and Hindus were forbidden to sing, play musical instruments or to dance or paint or practice art.
- Ordered the destruction of non-Muslim sacred places, idols, temples; over four figures. Lord Krishna’s birth temple in Mathura; the rebuilt Somnath temple on the coast of Gujarat; the Vishnu temple replaced with the Alamgir mosque now overlooking Benares; and the Treta-ka-Thakur temple in Ayodhya.
- Ordered the enslavement of Christian missionaries.
- Tortured and killed prisoners of war, political prisoners, and anyone he considered unIslamic.
- Imposed ever-higher taxes the hated jizya, or poll tax, on non-Muslims in 1679 in order to pay for his wars.
- Non-Muslims were not permitted to keep arms or Turbans.
- Forced conversions of Kashmiri Pandits who then pleaded with 9th Sikh Guru Guru Tegh Bahadur, for help. Guru Tegh Bahadur was MARTYRED on the orders of Aurangzeb for protecting the religious freedom of non-Muslims in Mughal India. Bhai Mati Das and Bhai Sati Das were also executed on his orders. His son the 10th Sikh Guru Guru Gobind Singh was persecuted and his whole family was martyred including his wife and four young kids apart from his close associates.
The Guidelines mandated to the State Names Authority under Delhi Government say “Names of Roads: The service rendered by the nominee to the nation and particularly to Delhi will be the major guiding principle for taking a decision.”
In the same Capital where the 9th Sikh Guru laid down his life in defiance of forced conversion of Kashmiri Pandits, the Government has named a road after the cruel Hitlerian ruler. No street is named after Hitler in the West, yet in New Delhi we have Aurangzeb Road.
In the same Guidelines issued to State Names Authority, Delhi; it is mentioned” Change should not be made merely on grounds of local patriotism or for linguistic reasons, e.g. villages etc. should not be renamed after national leaders merely to show respect to them or for satisfying local sentiment in the matter of language etc. An exception can, however, be made in the case of Martyrs where the name can be suitably added to the name of a place sought to be changed, if a request is made by the State government to that effect and there is general recognition of the role of the Martyr in national life.”
I Appeal to fellow Indians who consider Guru Tegh Bahadur ji as a symbol of sacrifice for all Religions and as a MARTYR who laid down his life to save other fellow Indians, to please SIGN this petition and regain National PRIDE!
God Bless!
Manjit Singh GK, President DSGMC
Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Shri Najeeb Jung, Lt Governor Delhi
Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, PM of India
Sub: Rename Aurangzeb Road
Source: WHN Media Network