About thousand years ago the world was sanctified by a foremost reformer and a beacon of equality – Whose revolutionary act has helped remove class based disparities in the society prevailing at that time and who emphasized that everyone is worthy of God’s love – Sri Ramanujacharya An emissary who preached unity and practiced equanimity, was admired and celebrated by people from all walks of life, including Swami Vivekananda to the current prime minister of India Mr. Modi who ponder on His message, revere him and resonate with his teachings.
Jeeyar Educational Trust USA (JET USA, Inc.) on the occasion of Sri Ramanujacharya Swami’s Sahasrabdi (millennial) birth year is embarking on a joyful journey of celebrations across multiple cities in the USA from November 17 – January 24 in the august presence of His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji, a great humanitarian, and founder of JET USA, Inc. The journey starts with a national convention in Dallas – Sahasrabdi – A Song on Equality – a unique and prestigious event celebrating the life and message of the greatest and foremost social reformer of all time – Sri Ramanujacharya Swami. Sri Ramanuja advocated against the disparities in the society prevailing at that time based on class, caste and gender. He embraced, practiced, and promoted equality among all. Of late, this society is wretched on account of tension of disparities and blows of extremism. The path blessed by Sri Ramanujacharya is the Need of the hour. Indian Prime Minister, Shri Modi Ji, also reverberated the need of social calmness preached by Sri Ramanujacharya Swami during the National address at Red fort on the occasion of the 70th Indian Independence day celebrations on August 15, 2016.
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji walks in the path, where the seeds of virtues were planted by the great saint Sri Ramanujacharya. Sri Jeeyar Swami ji practices Sri Ramanujacharya Swami’s preaching’s and propagates on the universally acclaimed principles – Serve All beings as Service to God; Worship your Own, Respect all.
Sri Ramanuja upheld that the nature and her resources are very sacred and should be protected from destruction as he believed and propounded that the world is the Divine Form of God Almighty. He made temples, the then nucleus centers of the society, as places to share variety of services for all classes. Thus he opened the temple doors for all, irrespective of the social disparities.
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji walks in the path, where the seeds of virtues were planted by the great saint Sri Ramanujacharya.
Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji is a visionary, philanthropist, an unparalleled spiritual guru and practitioner of selfless service to mankind. He is an ambassador of peace, working extensively on various welfare and humanitarian projects across the globe under the social outreach wing VT Seva (VTSWorld.org). Sri Swamiji is inspiring millions of youth all over the world to learn the art of service and educating communities to live in harmony with the environment.
Sri Swamiji has chosen to spend his lifetime serving people their right to equality in various streams such as Education, Sports, and Health Care. Sri Swamiji has established schools for tribes, healthcare programs for women, education programs for visually challenged, righteousness programs for prisoners, moral education for all children and many more.

To celebrate the millennial birth year of highly revered Guru, Sri Ramanuja in an unique way, to epitomize as icon of equality for generations to come, under the aegis of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, Jeeyar Educational Trust is constructing a monument dedicated to the revolutionary reformer. Marking the millennial year 1017-2017, JET USA is celebrating Sahasrabdi – A Song on Equality on November 19th, 2016 in Dallas. Sri Swamiji is visiting metros across USA November 17, 2016 – January 24, 2017. Avail the opportunity to meet with him in person. Please visit for more information www.jetusa.org / www.statueofequality.org.
For more information, contact: 214-785-1988