LA COURNEUVE, FRANCE, August 11, 2019 (Le Parisien, translated from French): Prayers and songs in Tamil resound in the procession advancing through the streets of La Courneuve. Dressed in traditional dress, several hundred people participated this past Sunday in the celebrations of their God Ganesh. The event was organized for the third time in a row in the municipality. The ceremony for the famous elephant-headed God was organized by the Sri Sithi Vinayagar temple, in this commune which, after Paris, has the largest Hindu community in France.
“The festival of Ganesh has existed since the beginning of time. It’s a tradition and it’s great to be able to organize it in France,” insists Pheepa, a resident of Aulnay-sous-Bois who arrived from Sri Lanka in 2010.” This is a great moment that allows us to share our culture,” adds Sophie, 26, who lives with her family in La Courneuve. For its part, the municipality (PCF) explains that it is committed “to allow all residents to practice their religion in good conditions, within the framework of secularism,” says Rachid Maiza, deputy mayor of La Courneuve.