Gabbar Ambaji temple to offer another spiritual treat soon



Those desiring darshan of Shaktipeeths will no longer have to travel across the sub-continent now. Their wish will be fulfilled by a small journey to Ambaji and undertaking a three-km ‘parikrama’ at GabbarAmbaji temple.

The Gujarat government’s project to install replicas of all the 51 Shaktipeeths on the Gabbar Parikrama route is almost complete with 90 per cent of the work executed. The project is being carried out at a cost of Rs 50 crore. A grand Pran Pratistha Mahotsav is likely to be held in October this year during the Bhadarvi Poonam fair.

Secretary of State Pavitra Yatra Dham Vikas Board, Anil Patel said, “Out of the 51 replicas, those of 47 temples and three cave temples are almost complete. During the Pran Pratistha Mahotsav, priests of all the original Shaktipeeths will be invited. Nowhere else in the country has such an effort been made. Cultural events will also be organized to mark the occasion.”

He said that help from experts in ancient literature and Shakti Puja has been taken inexecution of the project. “Chief minister Narendra Modi is personally monitoring the project on a regular basis,” Patel added.

In the last three years, Gujarat government has spent Rs.277.46 crore on redevelopment of Ambaji temple, Gabbar mountain and public amenities.

The Shaktipeeths are places of worship consecrated to the goddess ‘Shakti’, the female principal of Hinduism and the main deity of the Shakta sect. They are spread throughout the Indian subcontinent. Goddess is often associated with Gowri or Parvati – the benevolent goddess of harmony, marital felicity and longevity, with Durga – the goddess of strength and valour along with Mahakali – the goddess of destruction of the evil.

What is Shaktipeeth

Legend has it that in Satya Yuga, King Daksha performed a yagna with a desire of taking revenge on Lord Shiva, his son-in-law. Daksha was angry because his daughter Sati had married the ‘yogi’ Lord Shiva against his wishes. He invited all the deities to the yagna except Shiva and Sati.

Despite not being invited, Sati went to her father’s yagna where she was insulted. Unable to bear her father’s insults toward her husband, she ended her life by jumping into the yagna fire.

The furious Lord Shiva destroyed oblation site and killed Daksha. He then carried the body of Sati and started wandering all over the universe. Lord Vishnu severed the body with his chakra. Various organs fell at different places that came to be known as Shaktipeeths in due course of time.

List of Shakti Peeths

1. Kalika, West Bengal

2. Yugdha, West Bengal

3. Tristrota, West Bengal

4. Bahula, West Bengal

5. Vatkeshwar, West Bengal

6. Nalhati, West Bengal

7. Nandipur, West Bengal

8. Atahas, West Bengal

9. Kirit, West Bengal

10. Yashor, West Bengal

11. Chatal, West Bengal

12. Katoyapatat, West Bengal

13. Vibhash, West Bengal

14. Sugandha, West Bengal

15. Bhairavparvat, Madhya Pradesh

16. Ramagiri ,Madhya Pradesh

17. Ujjaini, Madhya Pradesh

18. Shoandesh, Madhya Pradesh

19. Shuchi ,Tamil Nadu

20. Ratanavali ,Tamil Nadu

21. Kanyakashram, Tamil Nadu

22. Kanchi ,Tamil Nadu

23. Mithila, Bihar

24. Vaidhanath, Bihar

25. Magadh, Bihar

26. Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh

27. Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh

28. Prayag, Uttar Pradesh

29. Manivedik ,Rajasthan

30. Virat, Rajasthan

31. Prabhas ,Gujarat

32. Godavari Tat, Andhra Pradesh

33. Shri Shail ,Andhra Pradesh

34. Karvir, Maharashtra

35. Jansthan ,Maharashtra

36. Shriparvat, Kashmir

37. Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir
38. Jalandhar ,Punjab

39. Utakal, Orissa

40. Jawalamukhi, Himachal Pradesh
41. Kamrupkamakhiya, Assam

42. Jayanti, Meghalaya

43. Tripursundari, Tripura

44. Kurukshetra, Haryana

45. Kalmadhav, Madhya Pradesh

46. Ganhaki, Nepal

47. Guheshwari, Nepal

48. Hingula (Hingalaj), Pakistan

49. Indrakshi, Sri Lanka

50. Manas, Tibet

51. Panchsagar, Tibet

Source: Times Of India