Editorial: Our Condolence & Support For Hindu Holy Land Nepal Earthquake Victims

unnamedEditorial: Our Condolence & Support For Hindu Holy Land Nepal Earthquake Victims


On 25 April, 2014 an earthquake of high magnitude struck Nepal , killing more than eight thousand humans and injuring thousands.  For many, Nepal is a venue for adventure, tourist destination or place for religious pilgrimage, for the devout Hindus – Nepal is Hindu holy land of prominence. It was not long when Nepal was the sole official Hindu country in world, to which many Devout Hindu worldwide look forward as reference for establishing similar Hindu value system in India which currently is plagued by Abrahmic ideologies. Many authors at our publications are from Nepal and we thank them for educating worldwide audience on philosophy exhibited by Hindu intellectuals of Nepal.

Nepal has special place in the heart of all Hindus from a spiritual and religious (Dharmic) perspective. In Hindu epics and sacred scriptures, there are multiple references of Lord


Shiva sacred dwelling and meditation place as Himalayas with Mother Parvati and God Ganesha and Lord Kartikey playing with Lord Shivas guard Nandi.  With world renowned Lord Pashupatinath temple based in Kathmandu and the sacred incarnation of Goddess Durga that resides in Kathmandu along with thousands of sacred Hindu places of worship and world heritage sites – Nepal holds a premier place in world destinations for spiritual practice and enlightment.

Many of our editorial team members from Atlanta, Georgia had the privilege to work directly with Nepali Hindus, a result of their exodus from Nepal – Bhutan border to USA when Bhutan monarchy made Hindus refugees under official declaration. We observed the high spirit and energy Nepal Hindus have in spite of thousands of miles of continental migration and the devotion and trust in Hinduism Nepal Hindus have. Such is the deep rooted faith Nepali Hindus have in Hindu value and culture that they preferred to get migrated rather than converted into Buddhism (a condition laid by Kingdom of Bhutan). Our salute and support to such brave heart Hindus of  Nepal.  Today the diasporas of Hindus from Nepal has spread to North America, Africa, Australia etc. Nepal Hindus are  successful businessman, professionals and excel in other faculties.  The way Nepal Hindus have preserved and sustained Hindu places of worship in Nepal is very appreciative and a role model for global Hindu Diaspora. The tradition of sacred hymns and Yagnas (fire ritual invoking sacred gods) is practiced as per astute Vedic principles in Nepal Hindu temples. Not only in Nepal, but if one visits a Nepal Hindu community in America or Europe – one will see promine


nee to Hindu temple and sacred deity installation as first step before the society infrastructure is established. It’s these inherent courage, intellect and dedicated worship of Hindu gods that today Nepal Hindus have survived wards, civil uprising and by the blessings of Ishwar (God) will re-establish Nepal to a more prosperous and powerful state.

Our publication offers its deepest condolences to all victims of Nepal earthquake and offers total support in terms of media publication and dissipation of news and donation appeals of multiple worldwide organizations working towards comforting Nepal earthquake victims. Our publication expects a prompt humanitarian relief from thousands of Hindu organizations operating worldwide to help, assist and support victims of Nepal earthquake. All Hindus from world must donate something or do something to comfort their Hindu brothers and sisters in this time of great requirement. The earthquake has not only displaced millions of Hindus in Nepal but has caused extensive damage to Hindu holy places of worship.

May Lord Shiva bless the holy Hindu land of Nepal with prosperity, goodness and richness & empowers residents with courage and strength in this time of difficulty.  May the supreme Lord Shiva now showcase ‘Bole Nath’ – an innocent form of Lord Shiva blessing post ‘Mahakal’ – a fierce form of Shiva on sacred Himalayan region.  

Om Namaha Shivaya!


Editorial Team,

World Hindu News​