In Karnataka, India the river Shikri water has dried up or the first time in the history and thousands of Shiva Lingas were seen under water.

Lingam is worshipped by hindus and full of mysteries dating back to ancient times – aliens.

The form of Shiva which Hindus are most familiar with, is the ‘Shiva Linga found in their temples. It represents Power and Energy. And it resembles a nuclear reactor! The Hindus equated the Lingam with Power (Nuclear Power?)
The worship of Shiva Lingam was not confined to India only. Lingam was referred to ‘Prayapas’ by the Romans who introduced the worship of Shiva Lingam to European countries. The statutes of Shiva Lingams were found in the archeological findings in Babylon, a city of ancient Mesopotamia. Further, the archeological findings in in Harappa-Mohanjo-daro, which yielded numerous Shiva Lingam statutes, have disclosed the existence of a highly evolved culture long before the Ariyan’s immigration.
Ancient stone carvings, such as these from the Vijayanagara Empire of India, suggest that aliens visited Earth hundreds of years ago.

Most of the Siva lingas you find in the temples in Sri Lanka, have a round base, ‘Aavudayar’. But in Vavunikulam, an ancient temple was found in ruins. The Siva linga found in that temple had a square base, which shows that was an old historical one.
Sir Kandiah Vaithianathan, Mr S Arumugam DDI, and Mr A Balasubramaniam IE/Mullaitivu & Vavunikulam, collected donations and also sold tickets for a concert in Vavunikulam, and restored the Temple for the benefit of the local population there, and I too helped to sell tickets for the restoration fund.
Before the Arabs invaded Brunei, it was ruled by a Sultan of Malay+South Indian race, and they were Hindus. There Was a Sivan temple built upon a hill top. The Invading Arabs destroyed it and buried the Siva linga, at the destroyed temple site. In early 1980s, archaeologist had dug up and found a conical statue covered with carved flower petals sitting on a round base. This was cleaned and displayed in the museum.
A picture of it was taken and sent to Britain to identify it. They in turn sent it to a lady archaeologist in Thailand, who was a specialist in identifying South East Asian art effects. She said that was a Siva linga used over 700 years ago. Since Brunei now is a Muslim country, the religious department promptly removed it from display, and have stored it in the basement store room. Since I was in a team Supervising construction and maintenance work, I have seen this unique Linga displayed, and later on in the store room. A museum displays the historical heritage of a country, and it is not a place for racial or religious discrimination!
If an aerial photo of the Vatican Building is taken, you will find that the whole plan is based on, how a Siva Linga will be sitting on a round Aavudayar base.
Source: WHN Media Network