Dharmaraksha Sangamam organised by Hindu organizations, participate over one lakh Hindu’s

1509 Om flagDharmaraksha Sangamam, organised by Dharma Rakshavedi, an umbrella organisation of various Hindu organisations, will be held at Marine Drive in Kochi on Sunday.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Ashok Singhal will participate at the event, which will witness a participation of over one lakh people. Sivagiri Mutt president Swami Prakashananda will preside over. Sri Pejawar Mutt of Udupi Swami Vishwesha Teertha will inaugurate the sangamam. In connection with the event, a flag-hoisting ceremony will be held at Marine Drive in Kochi on Saturday at 10 am by Aluva Advaita Ashramam president Swami Sivaswaroopananda.

Source: The New Indian Express