Delhi agitates in thousands for H.H. Aasaramji Bapu’s release



Delhi – H.H. Asaramji Bapu is in imprisonment for more than a year now. Without any strong evidence he is in imprisonment. For his release, thousands of female activists of Nari Raksha Manch drove on front from Rajghat to Parliament street on 31st August. Though it was raining heavily, they joined this agitation. Females raised a question that – Bapuji was arrested on the complaint of a woman then is the voice of thousands of women who are protesting against his imprisonment not audible to government? Female activists from Yog Vedant Samiti, Nari Raksha Manch, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Sanatan Sanstha participated in this agitation.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti conducts all its activities with the blessings of Saints. So, HJS holds saints like ‘H.H. Asaramji Bapu’ in the highest regard. H.H. Asaramji Bapu has saved millions from the clutches of conversion, addiction and ruin.

Now, when the pseudo-secular forces are up in arms against H.H. Bapuji, it is our duty to educate Hindus about H.H. Asaramji Bapu’s divine mission and why we should stand by Him !

Read a series of our articles on
the truth of this haunting issue of Hindus that have awakened lakhs of Hindus :