Dancers light up school to learn about Hindu Festival of Lights -Diwali

Annapurna Dance at Field Lane School, Rastrick. Hannah Sharp 10, Chevanah Matheson 11 and Alicia Dwyer nine.

Music and dance lit up Field Lane Primary School in
Rastrick as pupils learnt about the Diwali.
Annapurna Dance group visited the Rastrick school to teach children traditional dances and about the festival itself.
The organisation has been working with young people across the region for some time.
Shantha Rao, from Annapurna, said the chance to find new audiences through the scheme was a great opportunity.
“Our main aim is to bring communities together through the children, their parents and the staff,” she said. “We have a beautiful culture to share and we want to share it with everybody as it’s important to celebrate the quality of opportunity and to raise the profile of Asian culture by getting involved in these cross-curricular activities.”
Headteacher at Field, Vanessa Dear, said the day was all about working with people from different communities.
“We had a wonderful session with Shantha and her dancers who created a really exciting and interesting day for our children and staff
“Every pupil in the school was involved and enthused by what they experienced. We’re now looking at more ways we can work with Annapurna to boost the work of our school community as well as using Artsmark to assess the quality of our efforts to bring arts and cultural experiences to our children.”

Source: Hindu News