Daily Passes and Discounted Weekend Registrations are now available for Global Dharma Conference.
Weekend Registration:
College/Grad Students – $75
Non-Students – $125
Daily Passes:
Friday – $25 (includes food, inaugural session and Garba/Bhangra)
Saturday – $75 (includes food, yoga, all sessions and concert)
Sunday – $40 (includes food, yoga and all sessions)
Please share the below flyer with many of the speakers and performers widely!
Yours, in the Service of Dharma

***Kids under 13 are free***
Full Registration Discounts are also available
College/Grad Students – $75 || Non-Students – $125
Key Program Highlights
- Plenary addresses and talks by world renowned leaders & dignitaries
- Over 15 parallel sessions featuring experts in Science, Environment, Sanskrit, Vedanta, Business, Media, Politics, etc.
- Daily yoga & meditation workshops with famous teachers such as Dr. HR Nagendraji (PM Modi’s yoga teacher) and Pundit Radheshyam Mishraji (Ujjain Yoga Life Society)
- Saturday International Concert featuring world renowned artists and performers – Flute Virtuoso Rakesh Chaurasia, Mandolin Virtuoso U Rajesh, Ghatam (clay pot) Virtuoso Giridhar Udupa, Composer and Percussionist Rajeev Mahavir, Rachna Sarang Academy of Performing Arts and BALAM Dance Theatre
- Friday evening Garba & Bhangra with live band
- Networking opportunities with dignitaries & attendees from across the globe
Check out the full program at
Sponsorship Opportunities
Create positive brand visibility by showcasing your products and services prominently along with broadening your exposure to a global audience. The conference will be widely publicized, broadcast and covered via several Indo-American and mainstream news and media outlets in the US as well as around the world.
Sponsors will also receive on-stage recognition and premium placement of advertisement materials throughout the conference.
Click here to learn more and download information about individual and corporate sponsorship.
Register or Buy Your Passes Today!
Source: WHN Media Network