Dadri beef report exposes the secular mafia conspiracy: VHP’s Dr Surendra Jain

vhpDadri beef report exposes the secular mafia conspiracy: VHP’s Dr Surendra Jain

New Delhi. June 03, 2016: The Government of Uttar Pradesh as well as the entire secular mafia of the country stand exposed after a forensic report established that it was indeed beef that was recovered from Akhlaq’s home. Dr Surendra Jain, Intl joint General Secy VHP today said that the Hindus of Bishara ran from pillar to post screaming cow-slaughter but to no avail. The Hindu residents of the village had reported that Akhlaq had indulged in the cow-slaughter in open defiance but their voice was drowned in the cacophony of the secular media. Subsequently, the Hindus were maligned and a stormy unnecessarily superfluous debate on intolerance raged all over the country. The Uttar Pradesh Govt. had suppressed this report for eight months but now this criminal conspiracy stands exposed. The role of award Vapsi brigade has also contributed a lot in this regard.
The way Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and the like have been maintaining a mysterious silence for the last three days since the report made public raises a question mark on their patriotism. They indulged in a senseless debate on intolerance only to serve their selfish motives. They should apologize for what they have done if they have any sense of shame left. But CM Akhilesh cannot get away with a mere apology. He has falsely implicated the Hindus of Dadri and put them behind bars. He must withdraw the false cases against the Hindus and provide adequate compensation to the victims.
Addressing a Press Conference in Delhi, Dr Jain said that this conspiracy to malign the Hindus by implicating them in false cases to suit their selfish motives is not new. Under the guise of ‘saffron terrorism,’ a term coined by Sonia, Rahul and the pseudo-secular brigade, Hindu leaders and saints were falsely implicated and many of them put behind bars. Today, even this conspiracy also stands exposed. However, in doing so, the Sonia, Rahul and other secular brigade lifted the morale of the terrorists and this was an unpardonable act for which they have been suitable punished by the electorate.
The Intl Joint Secy VHP also added that with the new Govt. at center, these conspiratorial have became more active. Those who makes hue and cry on ‘Ghar vapsi’ kept mum on forced religious conversions. These conspirators have not only made the importance of cow a disputed subject but also disrespected the ancient saintly tradition & cattle preservation. The significance of cow protection in improving the state of agriculture and peasant has been proved beyond doubt. By not heeding the call for cow protection, these people have aggravated the problem of farmer suicide in the country. Be it the of anti-national slogan-shouting in JNU and three other universities or the issue of chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai,’ or the construction of Sainik Colony in Kashmir, these people have always stood with the traitors. Even yoga, the panacea for entire humankind of the world has had to bear the brunt of this pseudo secular brigade. Yoga, which is only a form of exercise, has now been transformed into a communal affair. A deafening silence is always maintained by this brigade when the likes of Azmi, Owaisi, Zakir make slanderous comments on Hindu gods and goddesses. But when an unknown entity makes a comment somewhere and violence erupts at some place, then this brigade rushes to support them in no time.
This brigade is always there to show solidarity with the baseless and never-ending complaints of the muslims leaders but when Durga Puja Idol immersion is disallowed by the muslims in West Bengal, when Raam Navmi celebrations were attacked, then this pseudo seculars can neither be seen nor heard. When the Hindu leaders in Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala are killed in cold blood, then this secular brigade again does the vanishing act. The hollowness of this brigade is now exposed by the way these people have opposed the camps of Bajrang Dal and Durga Vahini, functioning since last 25 years. For them, the Madrasas and mosques providing a safe haven for terrorists is not a matter of concern. When the Dar-Ul-Uloom Deoband issues anti-national fatwas, muslims go on a rampage on minor, insignificant issues, then the brigade does not even blink an eye. However, when a nationalist organisation conducts a legitimate training camp, this becomes an eye-sore for them and they cross all limits while protesting. But the parties and people involved in this treachery must understand that anyone who oppresses the Hindus will eventually end up on the loser’s side.
The VHP condemns these anti-Hindu and anti-national elements in strong words. A whole lot of conspiracies stand exposed today and many more will be exposed in due course of time. They must mend their ways before the country relegates them to the dustbin of history.
The VHP with its growing influence in society and successful social and religious programmes will give a befitting reply to these conspiracies and unmask the people behind the anti-national and treacherous activities, Dr Jain added.

Released by

Vinod Bansal,
National Spokesperson- VHP
@vinod_bansal M-9810949109

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)