29th Mar 2020 | Houston, US
Pakistan Hindu Refugee Relief Program appeals to concerned Hindus to donate for 3 weeks ration supplies to Pakistani Hindu refugee camp based out of at Pabuji Ka Mandir, Aanganwada, Jawant Sagar, Mandor, Jodhpur Site. As per the latest communication between Pakistani Hindu group leader Chetan Ram, there is no help provided by government yet to this camp site where approx. 300 families resides (1000+ Pakistani Hindu refugees comprising of men, women and children of all ages), though there has been partial support from few non-governmental organizations that provide packets of food. The same has been verified by Jodhpur’s PHHR manager, Mr. Vikram Parihar. However, food packets per family distributed by NGO’s is not sufficient to satisfy the requirement of each and every family member, moreover the primary staple diet of refugees is Aata (Wheat flour) and Dal (Pulses). There has been no attempt by any NGO to supply ration to families for 2-3 weeks, which they can self-cook and prepare as per their requirement and taste. Moreover, even after lockdown, for few weeks there is a risk of not getting work immediately to many refugee men and women who are daily laborers and NGO’s will also stop providing food packets probably.
To support this requirement, Pakistan Hindu refugee relief program under #CornonaVirus IndiaLockdown relief will provide 20KG Aata (Wheat flour) and 2 Kg Dal (Pulses).
- Total families: 300
- Each family gets: 300 Aata (Wheat Flour), 300 Dal (Pulses)
- Per family support cost:
- Aata Cost: 25Rs. Kg X 20 KG = 500 RS.
- Dal Cost: 50 Rs. /Kg x 2 = 100 Rs.
- Total cost / family= 600
- Total cost for 300 families = Rs. 600 x 300 =
INR 180,000 (1 Lakh , eighty thousand) or USD$4000
VIA. Paypal Donation Link

Please mail check payable to: GLOBAL HINDU FOUNDATION INC.
Other points:
- You can donate at above Paypal link, donations are not tax exempt
- Minimum donation is US$10
- All donors will receive expense report and receipts one email , please enter correct email in Paypal
- A press release with photo, video and purchase receipt will be issued post donation
- A specific donor or institution can also donate on his/ family name or institution name and a separate press release can be issued with Pak Hindus thanking them in photos.
- Based on the total donation received, the ration will be distributed in proportion to all refugee families.
- To maintain transparency in donation, the program will publish the list of donors with initials of the first, last name and city, state, country and donation amount.
- Planned Donation day: 5 April 2020
- Donation plans to support ration supplies from 5th April, until end of 30 April.
- If someone wants to donate ration, food supplies directly to Pakistani Hindu Refugees, they can reach out to Mr. Vikram Parihar (PHRR manager, Jodhpur) +91 9982887770 and get supplies delivered via. Vishwa Hindu Parishad network.
- PHRRP program is not accountable for donations given in monies or goods to any orgs.
For more information, you can reach out to Pakistan Hindu Refugee Relief Project directors office
(Attn. Rahulji)
- WhatsApp: +91 8107060222
- Phone: +1 2819784317
- Email: office.rahulchandrasharma@gmail.com
Website: https://pakhindurefugeerelief.wordpress.com
Site address: Pabuji Ka Mandir, Aanganwada, Jawant Sagar, Mandor, Jodhpur Site