Coloring book of Hindu Gods and Goddesses, support Hinduism

A while back someone from sent me a review copy of their coloring book of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. It got lost in the shuffle of moving, but I found it again and I was delighted by what I found.
It’s a big book with clear, big outlines for drawing.

It’s more than just coloring, though. There are stories, mantras, and prayers to go along with each God and Goddess represented.
Something both fun and educational! I really should add it to my baby hope chest for my child to someday color, but I love coloring books and I might color it in myself 🙂
I can get another one for him/her!

It comes with a kind of crayon where you can switch out the head to get different colors. I think that wouldn’t be so good for a three year old (the minimum age suggested on the packaging), but it’s easy to remove that part before giving to a young child.
It can be so hard to find good children’s books and activities that support Hinduism and/or Indian culture and this is a great product to add to the list!

Source: Patheos