Dharma is an all powerful word in Hinduism. This multimeaningful word plays an extremely important role in the Hindu ethics. Before the name Hinduism came into existence, the Aryans called Hinduism as Sanatana Dharma or the eternal religion. A religion to be eternal has to be universal which underscores that Hinduism has a universal appeal as it is based on eternal truth. It is said in Mahabharata that Dharma is the eternal truth. It is said in Mahabharata that Dharma is the eternal law governing, upholding and supporting the entire creation. One definition of Dharma states that whatever sustains is Dharma. The divine self is the very foundation of our being and it is that which sustains us. Therefore the highest meaning of Dharma is the Divine self in man, the Atma. Dharma as per the Indian thought is a philosophy though it is usually understood as Religion. Dharma is a way of life, a code to be followed by all human beings. When other religions came into being they were largely called by the name of their founders to distinguish them from one another. But Hinduism besides having no founder is referred as Manava Dharma since it deals with eternal truths which are meant for one and all and for the whole of mankind. Dharma thus becomes a principle to govern the world and maintain peace and all round wellness. Peace is very important as no human achievement is possible without peace within and without. Our lives are dictated by our wants, likes and dislikes and by our uncontrolled desires due to which we do not know the way of right living for our guidance. Here the word Dharma which has many connotations provide the answer to us to follow the right path.
Dharma as Rightousness.
A very important meaning of Dharma is righteousness. Righteousness envisages practical application of certain rules which regulate our conduct and enables our spiritual elevation. There are instances in the history where people have sacrificed their lies for the cause of Dharma. Dharma as righteousness is highlighted in the Gita where Lord Krishna states that whenever where is decay in righteousness and there is exaltation in unrighteousness I myself come forth for the protection of good and destruction of evil doers and for the establishment of Righteousness. Buddha founded his entire teaching on righteousness as his fourth noble truth lays down right way of living. Righteousness or right conduct is the basis of Indian culture and it must express in the life of a man. The four goals of human life- Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksha are guided by Dharma. Even in order to satisfy one’s passions or to acquire worldly possessions one must hold on to Dharma and then only one can become entitled to Moksha or liberation from the cycle of life and death. It is very appropriately stated in our scriptures that one who protects Dharma is protected by Dharma.
Dharma as Truth
Truthfulness is the fundamental requirement of one’s elevation. Brahman is described by Upanishads as Truths. Mahabharta says that no religion is higher than Truth. Truth is also one of the four pillars of Dharma. The other three being Purity, Austerity and compassion. Truthfulness is not only abstaining from falsehood but it also includes Honesty, straight-forwardness, sincerity and justice. One has to practise Truth at three levels- through one’s speech, thought and deeds. One is truthful when there is harmony in thoughts, words and actions. What one thinks speaks and does reflect the real the facts about a situation or a person rather than what is imagined or invented. In our ancient Gurukul system of education the final advice which the teacher gave to his students was “Be Truthful and practise Dharma(righteousness).” Truthfulness also means not aspiring for more that what is needed. A truthful person has nothing to hide. He takes off lot of load from his mind as he does not express things differently to different persons. To him what is true is for the consumption of one and all.
Dharma as duty.
Dharma also means performing our duties which become assigned to us by virtue of our status and position in the society. According to Gita, if one does not perform his duties, he incurs sin. At the same time one cannot attain perfection without performance of one’s duties. Dharma as duty has certain divisions like individual duty, family duty, duties towards society, nation and mankind. Under individual duties we have to observe moral and ethical principles to raise our level of consciousness by removing all ill traits from within. The Gita calls these as divine qualities. Some of these are Truthfulness, self control, non-violence, renunciation, modesty, humility and forgiveness. Individuals make up family and it is the duty of individuals to prevent disintegration of the family by observing mutual self sacrifice and respect. Our scriptures tell us that we should treat our father and mother as God. If the family remains well integrated then the society shall remain cohesive and united. Our main duty towards the society we live in is to ensure that none the same time we must contribute towards the wellness of the society by whatever means we are capable of employing. In our duties towards our nation we should be ever ready to make self sacrifice to bring peace and prosperity to our nation. We must remember vedantic thought that the world is our family or the world is one family. So we must treat all members of the world as we treat members of our own family. We all are children of one God and we should not harbour any ill feelings towards others.
Some other meanings of Dharma are ideal conduct, fortitude, forgiveness, knowledge, wisdom, nonstealing, non anger, ordinance, virtue and law of inner growth. Dharma is also defined as that which saves us from all sorts of destruction and lead us upwards. Dharma is also the law of being. It is the essential property of a thing without which it cannot maintain itself. As for example Dharma of fire is to burn. Dharma is also referred as mutuality and interdependence. Dharma alone distinguishes men from animals. Human beings who do not adopt Dharma in their lives are no better than animals.
The breakdown of social rules in our society today is due to nonadherence to Dharma by the people placing their own interest about the interest of the society or the nation. If there is selfishness in the heart, we can never understand what is Dharma or right conduct. So become selfless, help others, donot be possessive, help all, love all, cooperate, care and share with others.