Priceless Article Written By A Bangladeshi Hindu

Priceless Article Written By A Bangladeshi Hindu ENGLISH TRANSLATED Version  — On 17th of August, on the occasion of...

Hindu’s Holy Festival Janmashtami Celebrated Worldwide

Janmashtami, one of the major religious festivals of the Hindus marking the birth of Lord Sri Krishna, was celebrated...

Symbolism Of Hindu Puja Rituals 

The Idol Vedanta envisages that idol worship is only the lowest or the first stage of realising God. An...

Lord Krishna: God of Hindu’s Holy Bhagavad Geeta

Hundreds of millions of adherents of the Hindu faith will gather together, around the world, in temples and homes,...

Victory Of Dharma Over Adharma – Dhiru Shah

The Author Mr. Dhiru Shah has education from London School of Economics and Harvard Business School & Business in international trade....

PM Modi with human virtues and practical vision – Salil Gewali

PM Modi with human virtues and practical vision –Salil Gewali, Shillong One’s inner character is revealed in his day...

Hindu Squat: Gain balance, strength, power and endurance in one exercise

Hindu Squat: Gain balance, strength, power and endurance in one exerciseIf there is one exercise that builds strength, power, lung...

Who is a Hindu? I am a Hindu – Dr. Shriharsha Sharma

Who is a Hindu? I  am a Hindu. Dr. Shriharsha Sharma   Who is a Hindu ? This question...

ISHTADEVTA by Dr. Jayant Mehta, MD, FCCP

ISHTADEVTA   by  Dr. Jayant Mehta, MD, FCCP Ishtadevta, literally “chosen deity” in Sanskrit finds a prominent place in apparently...

Shravan Month 2014, Top 10 Aromatic Vegetarian Dishes for Hindu’s

Shravan is an auspicious month for Hindus and is considered to be the most sacred of all. The auspicious...

​Why the HAND could not stop the blooming of LOTUS? – A view from a COMMON MAN

Why the HAND could not stop the blooming of LOTUS? – A view from a COMMON MAN 2014 is...

Interfaith Marriage With Equality

About 40% of Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Christians marry outside their faith in America. However, interfaith dating youths face...

Nag Panchami, Hindu’s holy festival – specially for snakes

Snakes are part of the fabric of Hinduism, since Hinduism began its existence in a place where one of...

Hinduism Is The Foundation Of Civilization -​ Dirgha Raj Prasai

Among all religions of the world, Hindu religion is considered as an ancient religion that is recognized as the...

Ramana Maharshi and the most important question in life

India is an amazing country and unique in several aspects. For example, in every age great spiritual personalities appear...

The Hindu Genocide That Hindus And The World Forgot

The Hindu genocide that Hindus and the world forgot When we can raise our voice for 600 Muslims killed...

‪#‎AntiHinduBollywood: Twitterati Calls for Boycott of ‘Singham Returns’ [Video]

Singham ReturnsTwitter/Singham Returns #‎AntiHinduBollywood is trending on micro-blogging site Twitter, which has also called for a boycott of upcoming film...

“Open Letter to Economist – Stop Spreading lies about Hinduism” – Sanjay Poduval

ECONOMIST ARTICLE: Fixing dreadful sanitation in India requires not just building lavatories but also changing habits  http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21607837-fixing-dreadful-sanitation-india-requires-not-just-building-lavatories-also-changing Sanjay Poduval’s...

All about Shri Ganapati : the Deity, worship and festivals !

Shri Ganapati  Introduction          Spirituality is a science of the subtle dimension. Hence, it is natural that spiritual knowledge...

Shravan Special: Story Of Baidyanath Shiva 

Bol Bam! Bol Bam! This is the only chant which you will hear during this time of the year...

Decolonising India’s education – Maria Wirth

A national newspaper carried an article on July 1st that bemoaned (rightly so) the disparity in education between the...

Significance of Hindu’s Holy Shravan Maas And Shravan Somwar

Shravan Maas is a popular concept with regard to the Hindu religion. What exactly do we understand by the...

Happy Guru Purnima – Date 12 July 2014. Thanks to My Gurus Academic and professional​

Happy Guru Purnima – Date 12 July 2014. Thanks to My Gurus Academic and professional Guru Purnima – Date 12 July 2014. Guru Purnima is a Hindu festival...

20 Unique Baby Names from Hindu Mythology

Sometimes old is new; therefore unique. Naming your baby is fun and sometimes you will be left spoilt for...

About Hinduism…

CHENNAI: Sanatana dharma is by its very essence a term that is devoid of sectarian leanings or ideological divisions....

Hindu’s holy city Kashi

New Delhi: One of the oldest city of India,the ultimate pilgrimage spot for Hindus for ages.This city is also...

Kanvar Mela – Adventure Holiday in Indian Style: Maria Wirth

All over India, an interesting phenomenon can be observed. On one hand, materialism is on the rise, and on...

Was the Christian Vatican Originally a Temple to Lord Shiva?

All religions are one and are derived from Vedic Sanatana Dharma. Famous historian P.N. Oak claimed that the word...

Hindu Goddesses book by Krishna Dharma

One of Hinduism’s most fundamental aspects is the varied manifestation of divinity. Krishna Sharma’s Beauty, Power & Grace: The Book of Hindu...

Thirteen Days At Dronsthali Kanya Gurukul​ – By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM

THIRTEEN DAYS AT DRONSTHALI KANYA GURUKUL ​ –   By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM Lovely thirteen days indeed that my wife,...

The Majority Report: Sordid story of robbing crores of poorest Hindus of scholarships and loans — Ram K. Ohri

An Overview of the book, The Majority Report (9 June 2014)   SORDID  STORY  OF  ROBBING  CRORES OF POOREST ...

Vedic Rishis – The Ancestors of all Indians

Some five years ago there was a small news item in a national paper. At that time Jairam Ramesh was the...

A Tribute to Guruji (Prof. M. S. Golwalkar) – ​Madhu Deolekar

A Tribute to Guruji – Madhu Deolekar, ex -MLC Prof. M. S. Golwalkar the second Sarsanghchalak of the Rashtriya...

My Discovery of India: Salil Gewali

­­­My Discovery of INDIA Indian philosophers’ subtleties make most of the great European philosophers look like schoolboys. –          T....

The Hindu Philosophy of Life Through the Movie, “The Life of Pi”

The Hindu Philosophy of Life Through the Movie, “The Life of Pi” This Q&A was prepared by the author...

Hindu’s religious books can help Lanka foster ethno-religious amity

Shelton A. Gunaratne This week, by chance, I experienced the joy of reading the two jewels of Buddhism and...

An epochal mandate: Rajiv Varma

India has delivered a historic electoral verdict in favor of the BJP, and its leader Narendra Modi. After 1984,...

Indian ​PM Modi’s men- Hats off to the ​Vivekananda International Foundation — Vicky Nanjappa

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made two very crucial appointments after taking charge- Ajit Doval as the National Security...

Jammu & Kashmir: Article 370 — Mohan Krishen Teng (Chapter 3: Article 370)

Jammu & Kashmir: Article 370 — Mohan Krishen Teng  When Maharaja Hari Singh acceded to India on 26 October...

Koenraad Elst: A Hindu argues circles around Christianity – Review of Book “What every Hindu should know about Christianity”

What Every Hindu Should Know about Christianity (Wilmington, Delaware, 2014) is a book by Kalavai Venkat, pen name of a computer scientistliving in Silicon...

Why Martyrs are not Honored in India? – ​Capt S B Tyagi

Words about military deaths come free and easy to many people, especially to politicians seeking votes, but soldiers’ families...

‘Indian Muslims too many to be called minority, it’s Parsis who need special attention’ – by Abantika Ghosh

‘Muslims too many to be called minority, it’s Parsis who need special attention’ Heptulla said she would have to consult...

“Organize Hindu Temples & Deploy Learned Priests” – An Interview with Braham Rattan Aggarwal, President – Hindu University of America

Braham Rattan Aggarwal Born and brought up in Kenya, Africa. Braham Rattan Aggarwal was an accountant by profession and moved to...

‘Hindu Era Begins’: An Interview with Jay Shah – Indo American Geo Political Analyst

 Jay Shah is a prominent US based Hindu activist and intellectual. He has been in US  since 14 years...

An Open Letter To Our Brothers and Sisters of India – Goray Mookerjee

Ladies and Gentlemen: Many of us of Indian heritage in US, as being the residents and citizens of the...

Islamicisation of Indian Electoral System – R.K.Ohri

Today, we have the privilege to put forth before you a unique production by our scholar-guide in the Forum,...

History in the Making—Tectonic Paradigm Shift

Wow! What a smashing victory! Congratulations Narendrabhai and the BJP for your astonishing victory!  Narendra Modi and BJP’s sweeping...

Terra Incognita: Why Modi matters

The world needs more leaders like India’s incoming PM, not because of his checkered past, but because we need...

Significance Of Conch Shell In Hinduism 

Conch shell is a significant instrument in Hinduism. The conch shell is known as the ‘Shankha’ in Sanskrit. It...

Agenda for new government ​for betterment of Bharat – World Hindu Council Board Member

New government should initiate following ​​for betterment of Bharat. 1.Pay and perks for MP’s and MLA’s to be frozen...

Central Asia Thesis of Vedic Civilization: Vedic solution of Indo-European Homeland — TP Verma (2014)

The ancient connections of Vedic Civilization that is preserved in India to that of various nations in S E...

Bhagwad Gita in mirror image – Piyush Goel

  Piyush Goel has written Bhagwad Gita in mirror image. Who was he motivated to take upon such an unique...

Defending Hinduism’s Philosophical Unity

It is one of the most inevitable facts of political life that when a nation enters the rank of a Great...

The meaninglessness of rituals

Many people ask me the meaning of a ritual: why do young people touch the feet of elders, why...

Selective Hindu Biased Indian Media In Bed With Politicians – K. A. Krishna Rao

It was a time once when we used to enjoy the debates on the news channels with current &...

How visionary Hindu leader Modi transformed Kutch after the Bhuj quake of 2001 – Atish Patel

Q&A: How 2001 Quake Aided Modi’s Rise Atish Patel, Dec. 27, 2013 At 8:46 a.m. on Jan. 26, 2001, a...

Muslims Attack Hindus in India: Is This a Warning For the West? – Phyllis Chesler

A European colleague of mine lives and works in India. Recently, he came to visit. His story was unbelievable....

Muslim Persecution of Hindus in India/Bengal:The Story You Won’t See In the Western Mainstream Media- Phyllis Chesler

By Phyllis Chesler   They are crossing the border illegally and violently displacing the indigenous population whose homes and possessions they...

Making Hinduism A World Religion: Before and After Swami Vivekananda

We have today the privilege of sharing with you a special mail, containing the main issues of a lecture(Swami...

First recorded words on Gramophone were in Sanskrit and on the Vedas

HMV had once published a pamphlet giving the history of gramophone record. Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison...

On Finding My Yoga

[This piece was written in August of 2011. My son was 3 and my daughter was 6 months old....

Human rights in Hinduism

It is often maintained, directly or by implication, that Hinduism is antagonistic to human rights, that the only relationship...

Hinduism – synonym of practical tolerance

That takes us to the next reason why Hinduism is source of my pride. Hinduism is all about tolerance....

Who is a Hindu fundamentalist? – Maria Wirth

Whenever news about India make it to the local Nuremberg newspaper, my mother reads them out to me on phone. Usually,...

The new can-do Hindu:Vamsee Juluri

Hindu culture has moved beyond the tribalistic politics of the 1980s and 1990s. It may be the beginning of...

Vedas are considered Supreme in Hinduism

The fundamental principle of Hinduism is that root of sorrow lies in ignorance (Avidya). And remedy is wisdom (Vidya)....

Ram-Navami, Hindu’s biggest festival in India

New Delhi/Kanpur/Varanasi, April 11 (ANI): Devout Hindus paid obeisance at temples in northern India as nine-day fasting festival, ‘Navratri’,...

Hindu Nationalist Leader Narendra Modi’s march to 7 Race Course has begun

By Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay If what I have witnessed on Thursday after driving through hundreds of kilometres cutting across several...

Close encounters with the RSS: What I learnt in Nagpur

I was 9 years old in the summer of 1992, in my ancestral village in UP for my summer...

The Holy Cow In Not Too Holy Land: Col NN Bhatia

The Holy Cow In Not Too Holy Land All my life, I have loved cow milk, curd, lassi, chach,...

Political Attacks On Hindu Business Houses Should Stop – Rahul Chandra

POLITICAL ATTACKS ON HINDU BUSINESS HOUSES SHOULD STOP – RAHUL CHANDRA COVER PHOTO:                                    Gautam Adani                                                                Current political situation...

Essence of Hindu’s holy Ved-Puranas

All the three sacred epics of Hinduism (the Ramayanam, the Bharatam and the Bhagavatam) deal with the main concept,...

Sitting act of meditation in Hinduism

Many people miscomprehend the meaning of “meditation.” There is the assumption that meditation enables humans to “find themselves” or...

Buddhism as Simplified, Modified Hinduism

Buddhism as Simplified, Modified Hinduism Now-a-days, many in the West, and particularly most of the intellectuals in the United...

Let’s all follow the fundamentals of Hindu Dharma

Religious fundamentalists are on the rise and that is bad for our societies. Most people will agree on this....

Christian Missionaries Harm India

Christian missionaries have become increasingly visible and controversial in India. As I grew up as a Christian, I would like to...

Why I Love India

India has undoubtedly a lot of problems. She has a huge population and comparatively little space for it. Many...

Bollywood – A Threat To Hindu Culture And Values: Salil Gewali

Bollywood – a threat to Hindu culture and values :Salil Gewali Outrageous Bollywood and porn stars After Jackpot’s blast...

Love in India- Maria Wirth

“There is no other country where basic questions crop up as quickly as in India”, a young Spanish woman recently told me. I...

Hindu Vs Secular Model of Development: Sandeep Singh

Hindu Vs Secular Model of Development Today Mahatma Gandhi’s value is not worth the currency notes which carry his...

The Value Of Bhajan (In Euro)

THE VALUE OF BHAJAN (IN EURO) During Navaratra season, there are many opportunities to attend a bhajan session in India....

“Women Without Religion” Posts Absurd Anti-Hindu Meme

The Facebook page Women Without Religion has published an absurd and totally inaccurate set of anti-Hindu propaganda memes using quotes from, of course, the Manusmriti....

Hindus answer religious lies

The history of colonial powers, especially Britain and other European colonisers, is replete with stories of not only the...

Why Hindus are the best warriors

Before I start no one is denying that Hindus and Sikhs have had military failures but are successes outweigh...

Why Hindus Worship Idols? 

The practice of idol worship among Hindus has been a subject of debate and misinterpretation over the centuries. Idol...

Book Coming Soon: The New Hindu Toolkit

I’ve mentioned now and then that I’m working on a new book and now it is almost ready to be released....

It’s Hinduism

The cow is considered sacred. Hindus therefore avoid eating beef. Some Hindus are vegetarian and do not eat meat,...

Scientific health analysis supports Hindu spiritual practice like chanting, meditation, pranayam, Yoga

Mumbai : It has been proved by research that, the strength of the heart of warkaris travelling on foot from Alandi to...

Hindu saint & CIA duty

The director of a reputed cultural institution based in Chennai narrated this interesting encounter she had with an American...

“Hinduism – one of greatest religion of the world, people should learn from it – Sri Lankan President

Now the West want to know about the Hindu way of life, ancient Hindu art of living ,its wisdom...

Shivrarti is around, get Shaivism-literate: ABC of Shaivism – Dr. Lalit kishore

Shaivism is a widely followed sect of Hinduism, which reveres god Shiva as the ‘Supreme being who is All...

The Potential Challenges of Temple Visits as Teaching Tools

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the honor of speaking to parent groups and educators at conferences in...

Lord Hanuman is immortal and omnipresent

It is believed that Lord Hanuman is immortal and will never die. That is why there are still questions...

Hindus: Gods, Reincarnation, Karma – A Western Perspective

  Not religious folks ourselves, we’ve got a pretty open mind when it comes to religion. I tend to...

Hinduism hijacked

Outrage is an easily ignited emotion, but only rarely has long-term staying power. Some situations require not the melodrama...

The unscrupulous business of Valentine Day in India

Every year, the Valentines day becomes a media event. Few days before the day, the media channels take interviews...

Sex, Lies and Hinduism: Why A Hindu Activist Targeted Wendy Doniger’s Book

Penguin Books India has agreed to recall and pulp all copies in India of The Hindus: An Alternative History...

Doniger, Hindus and spurious concern of fraudulent Left-liberals

Our fraudulent Left-liberals, who dominate the commentariat and academic institutions, poisoning impressionable minds, are out in full force, doing...

Personal Stories of Hindu Gurus

A tradition that encourages complete devotion and worship of a human teacher is ripe for exploitation. I believe in...

Protect the Hindu community

For anyone who has followed the news from Bangladesh since the country’s January 5 elections, the last few weeks’...

Adi Sankaracarya and Hindu Renaissance

Samkar is one of the greatest thinkers in the history of the world. He is the unrivalled propounder of...

The Hindu God Considered the Creator of the World

The three main gods of the Hindu pantheon are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. While followers of the latter two...

How Do Hindu Followers Get Redemption

The first question is: redemption from what? If you’re so stuck in a Christian mindset that you think people...

“Hindu” not synonymous with “Vedic”

Very many Hindus will agree with this statement, uttered on Rajiv Malhotra’s list: “For a Hindu, it is mandatory...

The Hindus are the sons of Bangladesh soil

It seems be came the fate of religious minority, especially the members of Hindu community, who take birth in...

Yoga can lower fatigue, inflammation in breast cancer survivors

Practicing yoga for as little as three months can reduce fatigue and lower inflammation in breast cancer survivors, according...

Hinduism as I Have Known It 

Hinduism: The dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its resulting ritualand social observances, and often mystical contemplation...

Hinduism and the Environment

Ishavasyam idam sarvam – This entire universe is to be looked upon as the Lord. – Shukla Yajur Veda,...

Smithsonian’s Yoga: The Art of Transformation Brings to Light Yoga’s Hindu Roots… Almost

The much hyped Smithsonian exhibit, Yoga: The Art of Transformation, is packing up to move from its primary residence in...

Beyond communal attacks against Hindus in Bangladesh

RECENT attacks on Hindus and their property demonstrate the immensely sad but blunt reality that even after forty two...

Ramayana explains how Anarchy can destroy a Nation: An analysis

Our ancient Rishis covered various aspects of governance. This is covered elaborately in the book Political Thoughts in the Vedas....

CLOSING WORD: Who is afraid of the Hindu nation?

NGOs as instruments of hate and fratricide For Indians who are aware of the anti-Hindu agendas of Christian, Islamic...

Changing Mindset Of Hindus:Dr.Babu Suseelan

Our Rishis, Acharayas have succeeded in giving an unusually rich and illuminating picture of rational thinking on man, nature...

Meditations on life and laughter

HEADS turn when I start speaking in Thai. Many are surprised that I can speak the language fluently. I...

Spiritual significance of Hindu festival Makar Sankranti

Almost all Hindu festivals are dependent on the position of the moon; however, Makar Sankrāntī is based on the position of...

Chicago, 1893: Swami Vivekanandas soul-stirring speech at Parliament of Religious

Kalyan Mitra One hundred and twenty years ago on the 11th September (1893), Swami Vivekananda made his historic speech...

‘Hinduism to me is a way of life’ : D. Purandeswari, MP from Andra Pradesh

D. Purandeswari, Minister of State for Human Resource Development, MP from Andhra Pradesh, daughter of TDP founder N. T....


Respected Holy Father, Great hope for a positive change in the Catholic Church is pinned on your Pontificate and...

Indian English Media, Hinduism and Hindu Org: Dr. Rajnikant Lahri

Thomas Babington Maculae, in Feb. 1855, had said that a single shelf of a good European library was worth...

Spirituality: Significance of Amavasya

Amavasya, or Amavasi, is the name of new moon night in Hindu religion. It is the first night of...

Hinduism and Vedic Dharma

By: Prajakt Karanjkar  Hinduism…A religion mostly found in India.It is commonly known as most ancient religion in the world.It is said that...

It’s Not Revisionist History of Hindus When It’s Actually Accurate: American Curriculum Reform

Since I took over as the Director of Education and Curriculum Reform for the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) last...

Article -Transformation of Shiva Linga: Brij Bhushan Dubey

In Pre-Historic period dating back to 2ndMillenniumBCE devotees asked Rishi Atharvana the co-author of Atharveda, where is God and...

Role of Tulsidas in Hindu Renaissance 

Tulsidas appeared at a time when the Hindu society was groping in dark and was losing luster of life....

Non-Desi Hindu: What I Look Like to Others

Our friend Andrea noticed an interesting thread on Reddit a while back and pointed it out to me. It’s...

“Hindu View of Homosexuality”: Classicist and Dharmashastra scholar Prof. Bharat Gupt

Special Report Homosexuality in Ancient India Prof Bharat Gupt, a classicist and dharmashastra scholar held a talk at Delhi’s...

Story behind the birth of Vidura

Who was Vidura? As per the Mahabharata, Vidura was the half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura,...

Samathiya Sadangu – a Hindu ceremony that marks a girl becoming a woman

By Divya K., Long Beach, CA I was seated all by myself in the small room. The air-conditioner was on,...

11 things that attract Goddess Lakshmi to you

Goddess of Money Lakshmi is considered as the presiding deity of money. People also believe that if they propitiate...

Hindu Fearlessness through the Ages

One hears it all too often: ‘Hindus are cowards, they only deserve what they are suffering.’Mahatma Gandhi said it clearly...

Dvaitha and addvaitha

All religions in the world teaches Dvaitha, that is dual system of phisolosophy, that is I and you, I...

Philip Goldberg: Chrisitian Missionaries in India: Conversion or Coercion of Hindus?

Imagine you’re poor and living in a rural area. Your child gets sick. You manage to transport her to...

Goddess Lakshmi’s lessons on personal transformation and business growth

By Devdutt Pattanaik Lakshmi is the most popular goddess in India, revered not just in Hinduism but also Jainism...

A Gift from the Gods: The History of Cannabis and Religion

The holiday season is all about family, good food and, for some, religious tradition. In the spirit of the holidays, we...

Rath Yatra Colours: Yellow, Black and White

In the Puri Shree Jagannath Temple, the presiding deities are three siblings: Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra....

The Final Solution against Hindus

Posted by Gautam Sen In the centuries to come, Adolf Hitler is likely to be anointed a Saint. In common with...

Pancha Ganapati: My Multi-Observant Holiday

Pancha Ganapati is a modern holiday invented by the people at the Hindu Academy in Hawaii. The idea is...

The three sons of Shiva

Lord Shiva Lord Shiva, one of the Trimurti or the Divine Trinity, is one of the most major deities...

Hinduism is very Flexible

Hinduism is a vastly liberal religion. India is the ‘Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech, grandmother...

Religious perspectives on capital punishment

Voices of Faith offers perspectives from religion columnists. This week’s question: How does your religion view capital punishment? Positions...

Induced Religious Conversions: An Affront To Hindus

Induced Religious Conversions: An Affront To Hindus (2002) Balgrim Ragoonanan After reading the Rev. Pat Robertson’s appeal for converting...

The dance of light : Images of the Kumbh Mela transform into pieces of art

Step behind Janardhan Korremulla’s camera to see images of the Kumbh Mela transform into pieces of art Janardhan Korremulla...

Growing World Economic Hindu Power: Some Simple Practical Steps: Alpesh Patel

Are there different challenges and opportunities facing the Hindu business community of Europe compared to indigenous or other communities?...

Hindu Philosophy of Prosperity and Sustanability: Swami Vigyananand

The Philosophy and inspiration for the World Hindu Economic Forum (WHEF) is “Dharmasya MoolamArthah.” Kautilya, one of Bharat’ greatest political and...

Hindu Business in an expanding world – By Dr. Gautam Sen

The World Hindu Economic Forum (WHEF) 2013 at Bangkok on August 10th and 11th 2013 is the culmination of endeavor...

Myths related to the Bhagavada Gita

Bhagavada Gita, in brief, is not just a conversation between Arjun and Lord Krishna. It is a spiritual knowledge...

Treasures: Hindu Art from Bali is wonderful to contemplate

Bali is an island that is the smallest province of Indonesia. This place, which many consider to be a...

Political Hinduism: India’s Disenchanted Religion

A Restatement of Religion: Swami Vivekananda and the Making of Hindu Nationalism by Jyotirmaya Sharma Yale University Press ,...

Two Golden Fish

The auspicious symbol of The 2 Golden Fish in Buddhism symbolizes  happiness, fertility, abundance and all living things in a...

Refuting the False Islamic Argument Against Idol Worship

Harih Om. It is not uncommon to be faced with the ageless, boring question: “If Bhagavan is formless why go to...

Caste System – A Historical and Analytical Overview 

  In India various racial groups have found refuge and shelter. The sakas, Hunas, Kushans and Mongols even the...

The Five Faces of Hindu God Shiva

Yogeshwar/Shiva,  the lord of yogis, is commonly known throughout the world, but the five faced Shiva and associated teachings remains...

Hindu Quiz on Holy Forests

(Vanam, Aranya are the Sanskrit words for Forest/Jungle) 1.What is the name of the forest that was burnt down...

Lone Ranger

A Lone Ranger Battles Bigotry Someone forgot to put a sign here; a vivid, warning sign with a “skull...

The theory of nationalism by Swami Vivekananda

It may be of considerable interest in these days of national awakening to consider in brief the theory of...

When the religion of the Veda knows no idols then why so many gods and goddesses with different for

It is high time for people in India  to have a caste free society by realizing India was caste...

How To Use Japa Mala Beads

How To Use Japa Mala Beads November 25, 2013 By Ambaa 0 Comments Japa Mala beads are the Hindu rosary. I say...

Yajurveda says, not to worship the things which are part of the falsehood.

Most people from the west think that Hinduism is a religion, but it is not so. The Indus (Sindu)...

How Does Hinduism Differ From Buddhism?

  Hinduism sees the ultimate reality as being all things united as one glorious divinity. Buddhism sees the ultimate...

Western Condescension Of Hinduism

by Foram Mehta As a child, I moved around frequently. My parents emigrated from India to the U.S. when...

Diwali: the Festival of Festivals

By: Prof. Pankaj Jain on Nov 02, 2013 – Diwali the festival of lights – apart from being the most widely...

Goddess Kali – Yogic Essence of the Deity

By: Dr Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee on Nov 01, 2013 – Kali- a female deity. Another manifestation of goddess Durga. She killed the demon...


In His last birth prior to attaining Nirvana, Parmatma was born as a prince to King Siddhartha and Queen...

Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi

By: Meena Om on Nov 01, 2013 –  “O Goddess Lakshmi, shower light, opulence and Love.’’    “Om Shree Mahalakshmiycha vidmahay visnupatneycha...

Spiritual Principles Must Be Applied

By: Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi on Oct 14, 2013  –  Children, in our country there are a lot of places of...

Vedic Culture -Superb Culture

By: Meena Om on Oct 11, 2013 –  Dear Co-travellers   To revive and reinstate the Vedic culture of Bharat, we need to...

Why number 18 is predominant in Gita & Mahabharata?

By: Dr Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee on Oct 03, 2013 –  The Rajayoga of Gita and Kriyayoga of Patanjala Yogasutra constitute the...

Guru and the Godmen

By: Guruji Sri Swami Atmananda Ji on Sep 02, 2013 –  We all must have celebrated Sri Krishna Janmashtami nicely, the life & teachings of...

The deeper meaning of Janamashtami

By: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Aug 31, 2013 –  The beauty in our ancient stories is that they were never...


By: Sri Sudhanshuji Maharaj on Aug 20, 2013 – Heart of human beings are filled with emotions and desires . That’s why all relationships are tied...

History of Sikhism

The Life of Guru Nanak Guru Nanak (20 October 1469 – 7 May 1539) is the founder of Sikhism and...


According to the Hindu beliefs, Gods and Goddesses will today wake up from their four months of rest. All...

The origin of Hindus and Hinduism

The origin of Hindus and Hinduism –   http://m.speakingtree.in/spiritual-slideshow/seekers/faith-and-rituals/the-origin-of-hindus-and-hinduism/61616     Source: Speakingtree.in

How Poor Analysis Can Wreck Your Yoga

WASHINGTON, DC, USA, January 7, 2012 (By Sheetal Shah):  I’d like to thank the The New York Times for...


TURTLES A LINK BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH They are supposed to be a link between heaven and earth and...

Social media not completely exploited by political parties: Rajesh Lalwani

Social media expert Rajesh Lalwani is the founder of Blogworks, a social media firm. In a conversation with Mohammad Ali, he...

Mahavira And The Festival Of Lights

In Jain Dharma, Deepavali is celebration of Tirthankar Mahavira’s contributions to humankind; it commemorates his attainment of moksha or...

Secular Mujahideen and their Jihad against Bharat

By: Abhishek Tondon “RSS is no different from Taliban”, screams a tweet by Shazia Ilmi, a prominent member of...

Uncertain Times in India, but Not for a Deity

MUMBAI, India — As this year’s monsoon season receded, onions were selling for an eye-popping 58 cents a pound,...

O Hindus, Please Don’t Say: “All Religions Are The Same” – MARIA WIRTH

Observations by someone who grew up in the stifling atmosphere of dogmatic Christianity and appreciates the freshness and freedom...

When Germany is Christian, is India Hindu? – Maria Wirth

Though I live in India since long, there are still some points that I find hard to understand –...

The world’s oldest temple and the dawn of civilization

By Elif Batuman Late one October evening, I flew into Urfa, the city believed by Turkish Muslims to be the...