Atharvaveda sacred text of Hinduism
The Atharvaveda (Sanskrit: अथर्ववेद atharvaveda, a tatpurusha compound of Atharvan, an ancient Rishi, and veda, meaning “knowledge”) is a sacred text of Hinduism and one of the four Vedas,...
Hinduism and Its Origin
Hinduism is a widespread Religion in South and South East Asia. But What actually we mean by Hinduism? Is...
Forms of Goddesses
“If God is our- father, why cannot God be our mother! If we are the children of our heavenly Father,...
Hindus celebrate Diwali
LAHORE: The Hindu community on Thursday celebrated Diwali – festival of lights observed on dark half of the Ashvina...
Happy Diwali – From Ekal USA
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA In 54,366 villages educating over 1,526,799 children in rural and tribal India 25 Years...
Selangor MB’s Deepavali address
The timeless preoccupation of humanity’s philosophical life and life of beliefs has been the struggle between darkness and light....
Run For SEWA
Where Riverside Park 575 Riverside Rd Roswell, GA 30075 Upcoming 7:00 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014 Cost Buy Categories Events, Other ...
RSS meet aims to attract youth
Aimed at increasing its presence across the country, the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) has decided to add more youths...
Birmingham Diwali Celebration
Diwali is an ancient festival that has been celebrated every autumn for thousands of years to symbolise the triumph...
‘A Hindu should head ETPB’
ISLAMABAD: Leaders of the Hindu community are seeking an audience with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to seek the implementation...
Agni The Hindu God of Fire
In early Hinduism, Agni is one of the most important of the Vedic gods. Agni is the god of fire, and much...
State Urged to Get Back Temple Lands
VELLORE: N Muruganantham, state organizer of Hindu Munnani, addressing the media on Sunday said, the Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department...
Hindu Heritage Youth Camp
HOUSTON: Being born and raised on the remote island of Guam, my resources, when it came to my Hindu...
Seasonal festivals of Hinduism
The dominant human tendency is to celebrate every joyous occasion. Most of the religions of the world include joyous...
Hindu Dharma
Dharma is an all-important concept for Hindus. In addition to tradition and moral order, it also signifies the path...
Killings of Hindu traders
Though our governments never fail to disappoint when it comes to catching and bringing murderers to justice, a mildly...
Killings of Hindu traders
Though our governments never fail to disappoint when it comes to catching and bringing murderers to justice, a mildly...
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa may have disarmed and destroyed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in the island...
Hindu Festival Kumbh Mela
Pan Nalin’s “Faith Connections” is not the first documentary to take a camera on a pilgrimage to the Kumbh Mela festival in India....
Yezidi Genocide
It has been estimated that 23 million Yezidis have been killed by Moslems and their other self-proclaimed enemies during...