Hinduism (say hin-doo-ism) is the religion.
The people who follow the religion are known as Hindus.
The Hindus have many gods, but they are all in a sense part of the supreme god,Brahman. The gods include Shiva, Rama, Vishnu, Ganesh, Lakshmi and others.
Statues of gods cover the roof of a Hindu temple in Singapore
The Hindu place of prayer is in a temple called a Mandir, or at home where a shrine has been set up.
The elephant-headed god Ganesh, who brings good fortune
The holy books of Hinduism are the Vedas. Veda means ‘knowledge’.
Some Hindu beliefs and practices:
Hindus believe that life is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth. In other words, that every soul has more than one life. A soul passes through a cycle of lives, and a life depends on how the previous one was lived. A person who is not good in this life will have an unpleasant time in their next life. This is called karma, or fate.
Most Hindus are vegetarians: This means they don’t eat meat, or fish, or anything that comes from animals. Milk is the only exception.
Read the kidcyber page about an important 5 day festival for Hindus, known as diwali.
kidcyber also has these pages Hinduism in Indonesia
and about a Hindu wedding
And for more information, go here: