BJP need to curb poisonous sections of Indian media – Narayana Sd

unnamedBJP and Modi should stop cowering down under the poisonous sections of Indian media.  For heaven sake, BJP has full majority and has ability to pass bills in joint session of the congress.  Even during plundering and destruction by Sonia did media ever talk badly about her, the way some media people are talking disparagingly about Prime Minister of our country.  It is nauseating and it is such people who are given space in leading English national media.      They are playing up Ghar Vapasi, the rantings of few people to paint a poor picture on BJP while completely ignoring the enormous religions conversions going on in India, where just Andhra alone in last 8 years 12% to 17% were converted.  Many parts of North East are converted to 95% and that part of country is struggling with separation movements.    Should they not be talking about it?   

Arun Shourie in his groundbreaking book, ‘Harvesting our Souls’ talks about how media is helping the massive conversions in India.   Gandhi ji called missionary activities ‘deadliest poison’ and used harshest language on it and supported Ghar Vapasi.  Their poison is so evident from their stated goals of converting more than a billion souls in 10/40 window (Joshua project).    It would not be surprising given the enormous resources and the lengths they will go,  they will even stage attacks so that it gives bad name to BJP so that it will provide cover to continue massive conversions in India.   (This is how they are believed to destroy Hare Krishna movement in the west by infiltration).

It is sad that much of the repeated lies of this poisonous media is taken as truth even by BJP and I understand Jaitley who has no clue of ground realities was saying that it Ghar Vapasi caused the loss of Delhi votes.

There is a story of Hanuman where he was worried that he cannot fly over the ocean until he was told about his strength.  BJP needs to understand its strength, they are not opposition.  If we India has to come up, we need to stop the insane pumping of billions of dollars by Foreign NGOs and completely ban the Foreign investments into Indian media that is playing part into it.   Indira Gandhi banned Foreign NGOs,  Putin did it.   Stop playing pussy cat and be strong characters like Putin, like Indira Gandhi.

Unless some of the sick media people like Vir Sanghvi, Ashish Nandy and other jokers are taught a lesson, they will not learn a lesson. Send a message to the media establishments who are taking the country for granted pay for it.

For heaven sake, BJP need to clean up internal issues and stand up boldly for the nation and herald a new politics.  They are the ruling party with full majority.    Win or lose in the next elections, if you do with sincerity people will notice it.  The days of paternalistic politics will be gone soon.

Source: WHN Media Network
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