The Spokesman of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Shri Vijay Shankar Sastri has agreed to attend a meeting on “SWAMI VIVEKANADA ” with the six leaders of his group. “VEDANTA SANSKRITIK MANCH” Bangladesh who have thrown a program at the premises of Engineers Institute on 19th June at 2.30 PM.
The host organization’s General Secretary, Mr. Vinay Bhushan Jayadhara has arranged the meet. He has also informed that, the spokesman of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Shri Vijay Shankar Sastri will be the chief guest and he will deliver his valuable speeches in the estimated festival.
Also Sree Tarun Bijoy, MP, BJP National Executive Member, Vice-President of the BJP’s West Bengal Dr. Suvas Sarkar, General Secretary Sree Amalendu Chatterjee, BJP leader Rupa Gangulay and Laket Chatterjee will also join the festival and they will deliver theirs valuable speech.
Mr. Sukumar Ranjon Ghosh, “MP Munshigong-01”, Sriram Joshi the Director of “Hindustan Samachar”, “Secretary of Dhakeswari Mandir” Sree J.L Bhouwmik, Sree Ramesh Chandra Ghosh the “President of Janmastomy Udjapon Parishad”, Sree Dayamoy Biswas Dipu the “General Secretary” of Ramna Kali Mandir has confirmed their presences in the said festival and they will also deliver their valuable speech accordingly.
Association President of VEDANTA SANSKRITIK MANCH Sree Kishore Kumar Sarkar will directed the said program on 19th June, 2015.
Source: WHN Media Network