Bio-Profile of Tapan Kumar Ghosh


Tapan Kumar Ghosh


Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh is the founder of Hindu Samhati – , a new Hindu grassroots organisation that has created a much needed resistance in West Bengal against a wave of Islamic encroachment, aggression and expansionism that we are all aware of. 

Since the dark days of the Emergency, Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh has been a full-time Hindu activist, community organiser and human rights campaigner for the past 37 years. 
Sri Ghosh has been a RSS swayamsevak from the early age of 13 and has been a Pracharak since 1976. He was trained under the eminent personalities of Sri Guruji Golwalkar and Sri Bhaurao-ji Deoras, and enriched by the close association with Sri D B Thengadi, Sri Rajju Bhaia, Sri K S Sudarshan, Sri Ashok Singhal, etc.
In 1975, Sri Ghosh had plunged into the Satyagraha (led by Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan) against the draconian Emergency. He courted civil arrest and was imprisoned for 3 months in Alipore Presidency Jail in Kolkata. He worked as a full fledged underground worker during the whole period of Emergency.
As Pracharak, Sri Ghosh was assigned as Burdwan District Organiser (Zilla Pracharak) of RSS from 1976 to 1981. During this time, he, for the first time, directly faced the Muslim atrocities in rural Bengal. His first struggle against Muslim might, clout and criminality started in the villages of Purbasthali Block of Burdwan district. Finally, Hindus won the battle. Muslim criminality had to bow down its head. In fact, this struggle and victory formed the basis of BJP’s popularity in Purbasthali area.

For 6 months, Sri Ghosh was in charge of Bankura district and for one year he was in charge of South 24 Parganas district. 

Then from 1983-1995, he was given responsibility of West Bengal State Organising Secretary of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the premier student organisation of Bharat. Those were the tumultuous days of “Assam Movement”. Sri Ghosh successfully coordinated between Assam and the rest of Bharat.  One milestone of the movement was a “National Convention on Infiltration” on 12-13 February in Kolkata that was attended by Justice Sri. H.R.Khanna, Sri. Bal Apte ji, Sri. Prafulla Mahanta, Sri. Ram Jethmalani et al. 
He was actively involved with the Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Mukti Andolan and Kar Seva (1988-1992) and was actively involved in the creation/writing of inspiring literature works in Bengali language for Sri Ram Janmabhoomi movement.
Sri Ghosh was instrumental in organising the “Tinbigha Movement” in June 1992 against the Indian Government’s decision to transfer the Tinbigha Corridor to Bangladesh.
In July 1995, Sri Ghosh returned back to RSS (after about a 12 year stint in ABVP), and was given twin responsibilities of Vibhag Pracharak (of 2 districts: Howrah and Hooghly) and Prant Prachar Pramukh.  
After a successful effort to close Allana cattle-slaughterhouses in Mourigram, Howrah, he was given the responsibility to 24 Parganas as Vibhag Pracharak. This Vibhag consists of 2 districts viz. North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas.   
In Basanti block in South 24 Parganas district, he led the direct resistance action in Sonakhali which was initially triggered by the deaths of 4 Hindu activists. Sri Ashok Singhal ji personally visited the district to commend the Hindu resistance. 
Sri.Ghosh was requested to go to Delhi in July 2001, with the new responsibility of North Zonal-in-charge of Bajrang Dal. He was in-charge of 5 states: Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. 
Sri Tapan Ghosh served as Bajrang Dal’s North Zone Coordinator (Indraprastha Kshetra Samyojak) for 4 years until July 2005. In 2003, the youth wing started a unique program in Poonch district of Jammu & Kashmir province. He was chief-in-charge of that program. Its name is “Budha Amarnath Yatra“.  
Poonch is a district in Hindu-majority Jammu region of the Muslim-majority J & K state. But in Poonch district, the Hindus and Sikhs constitute only 8 percent of the population. Hindu emigration from Poonch district was going on steadily, further depleting the Hindu population. Poonch district was on the verge of becoming Hindu-less. After a lot of touring and surveying in Poonch, Bajrang Dal volunteers discovered an almost abandoned but ancient temple named “Budha Amarnath temple”. They started a 7-day yatra from Jammu to Poonch, a distance of 250 kms. The response was unbelievable. The whole town came to the ground every evening to welcome the yatris. Within 2 years, the town got a new look. New shops, business centers, hotels opened. The traditional ‘Dasnami Akhada’, the base camp of the yatra, built a large hall where seven hundred people can sleep. The Indian Army helped tremendously to protect the yatra, as if they were eagerly waiting for it. Within 3 years, the yatra became extremely popular to the local people of Rajouri and Poonch districts. People started thronging the temple throughout the year. The persons who left Poonch for the fear of Muslim militants, started to come back. Further migration almost stopped. After a long time, ‘Vande Mataram’ filled the air again. Every person of Poonch town, child to old, recognised Sri Tapan Ghosh due to this yatra. The Budha Amarnath Yatra still continues till this day.
In July 2005, Sri Tapan Ghosh was again transfered to Kolkata with the responsibility of Eastern Zone-in-charge of Bajrang Dal. This time his responsibility was of West Bengal, Sikkim and 7 North-Eastern states (including Assam).   
Again the struggle continued. The first battle was in Sandeshkhali, a notorious den of Muslim fundamentalists and criminals of North 24 Parganas district. 16 Hindu workers (including one housewife) were severely beaten up and injured. Police and administration were openly on the side of the Muslim criminals. They arrested our 15 injured Hindu youth activists and slapped false cases on them. They had to spend one month in jail.  
The situation in Bengal and North Eastern states along with Bangladesh is critical and is of paramount importance, strategically. To resist this catastrophe more aggressively and effectively, and create a better regional support structure within the Bengalis, Sri Tapan Ghosh formed “Hindu Samhati” (meaning: “Hindu Solidarity”) on 14th February 2008. Its aim is to inspire and empower Hindu youths to fight against any injustice.  
In the past 7 years, Hindu Samhati has created a solid force of 30,000 young men and women who are leading and valiantly resisting the growing Islamization of West Bengal. 
The past seven years’ history and photographs of this New Vanguard of Hindu Resistance is available on the English website: (and its mirror-site: and on the Bengali-language website:
Videos of Hindu Samhati rallies, protest meetings and speeches can be viewed at:


Early Credentials (1953 – 1974) 
  • Distinguished alumnus of City School and M.A. College of Kolkata, India
  • Graduated (with honours) in Physics, 1974
  • Initiated into Sangh in 1965 as a 13-year old swayamsevak and eventually trained under the eminent personality P.P. Sri Guruji (Sri. M. S. Golwalkar) and Sri Bhaurao Deoras. 
Public Service (1975 – Present) 
  • Led mass civil disobedience and effective underground movement in Kolkata, to protest against the abolition of democracy, during the entire period of Emergency (1975 – 1977) imposed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Courted civil arrest in protest against authoritarian rule and imposition of the State of Emergency. Imprisoned for 3 months in Alipore Presidency Jail in Kolkata. 
  • Was nominated as Sangh Pracharak, 1976.
  • Was promoted as Zilla Pracharak, 1976 to 1981, in charge of Burdwan district, West Bengal state. Won decisive battles against Muslim criminals of villages under Purbasthali P.S.
  • Was placed in charge of Bankura district and then in charge of South 24 Parganas district.                 
  • State Organising Secretary of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarti Parishad (ABVP), 1983-1995, in West Bengal. Also coordinated between Assam and rest of Bharat during the tumultuous days of the “Assam Movement”. Was given ABVP responsibilities for 12 years.
  • Was actively involved with the Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Mukti Andolan and Kar Seva (1988-1992). He spearheaded the creation/writing of inspiring literature works in Bengali language for Sri Ram Janmabhoomi movement.
  • Organised “Tinbigha Movement” in June 1992 against the Indian Government’s decision to transfer the Tinbigha Corridor to Bangladesh.
  • Became Vibhag Pracharak, 1995, for the twin districts of Howrah and Hooghly in West Bengal. Subsequently, Vibhag Pracharak for two other districts in West Bengal.
  • Was promoted to the position of Pranth Prachar Pramukh in charge of West Bengal, 1996.
  • Became Indraprastha Kshetra Samyojak of Bajrang Dal, from 2001 – 2005, in charge of Five states in Northern India (Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir).
  • Was promoted as Kshetra Samyojak of Bajrang Dal, from 2005 – 2007, in charge of Nine states in Eastern India (West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura)
  • Started Hindu Samhati (“Hindu Solidarity”) Grassroots Movement in 2008, which has grown to a solid core of 30,000 youth activists today. The fearless, dynamic Hindu Samhati team has toiled away on a shoe-string budget in 10 sensitive or border districts of West Bengal (including Kolkata, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Burdwan, Howrah, Hooghly, Nadia, Malda, Birbhum and North Dinajpur).  
Awards and Honors: 
  • “Rashtra Sevika Samiti Award” for spreading awareness and writing a book on Dr. B.R.Ambedkar – the architect of the India’s Constitution, freedom fighter and social reformer. 
Major Milestones 
  • Budha Amarnath Yatra (Pilgrimage to Budha Amarnath Temple in Kashmir) – Massive mobilization of Hindu resistance groups in Poonch district of Jammu & Kashmir in face of increased terrorist attacks from Al Qaeda supported Laskhar-e-Toiba and Hizbul Mujahideen. These actions prevented mass exodus of Hindus- which is unprecedented in decades of terrorism in the state. 
  • Work inside Bangladesh – Details provided upon request. 
  • Field resistance and Relief Units – Organising youth at the village level against land grabbing, forced conversion and other atrocities by Islamists in West Bengal. Successful work in the following 10 sensitive districts of West Bengal viz. Kolkata, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Hooghly, North Dinajpur, Burdwan, Nadia, Birbhum and Malda. 
  • Allana Campaign – Organisation of resistance with Vishwa Hindu Parishad against a proposed a large cattle slaughterhouse in Mourigram, Howrah district, West Bengal. Successful closure and relocation of abattoir. 
  • Founding of Hindu Samhati (“Hindu Solidarity”) on 14th February, 2008 – A non-political, social organisation dedicated to serve the persecuted Hindu community in West Bengal. 
  • Successful rescue and repatriation of young Hindu girls (who were kidnapped by Islamist crime syndicates involved in human trafficking between South East Asia and the Middle East), by creating a grassroots information network in 6 border districts between India and Bangladesh, which acts as a major transit point.