Bali Government to Pay for Hindu Priests’ Insurance

imagesDENPASAR, BALI, May 5, 2014 (The Bali Daily): Starting this year, the provincial administration will pay for the enrollment and participation of the island’s thousands of Hindu high priests and temple priests in the national health insurance (JKN) program. “Funds will be allocated from the provincial annual budget to cover the necessary premium for the high priests, temple priests, as well as ritual leaders in public temples across the island.” Bali Health Agency head Ketut Suarjaya said recently.

“This policy reflects the administration’s commitment to provide health services to religious leaders, who dedicate themselves to the community.” “The council has informed us that there are around 1,200 high priests and temple priests on the island. In 2014, the provincial and regency administrations allocated a total of Rp 334.71 billion (US$29.05 million) to fund JKBM.

Source: Hinduism Today