FHA (Forum for Hindu Awakening) a Hindu organizaation, has made an appeal to stop the Seven Faith Hill project by Shri Venkateshwara (Balaji) Temple of UK.
Alert Hindus notified Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA), about the “Seven Faith Hills” project by Shri Balaji Temple of UK, and subsequent establishment of “Islamic Faith Hill UK”, and how this can be harmful to Hindus and Hindu Dharma. Accordingly, Forum for Hindu Awakening wrote to the chairman of the temple, Dr. VP. Narayan Rao, and the temple committee, but there has been no response from the temple.
The “Salaam Shalom Shanti Peace Faith Hill Project” and subsequent establishment of the “Islamic Faith Hill UK” which is going to be unveiled in September 2015 by Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple of UK. As per the Seven Faith Hills project, faith hills representing Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism will be established in the Hindu Temple campus. This defeats the purpose of the Hindu Temple where devout Hindus gather to worship. Allowing monuments of other faiths within the Hindu Temple campus is also an invitation to anti-Hindu activities and malpractices in temple like conversions, love jihad, take over of temple property (land jihad), consumption of non-vegetarian food etc.
Below we have given some pictures of interfaith hills which have been established in past in campus of Balaji temple:
- Faith hill representing Christianity bears a plaque, which was opened on 15th November 2008.
2. In 2013 the Zoroastrian Parsi Hill was inaugurated and a Farohar was unveiled.
3. They are currently working on dedicating Jewish and Islamic hills in Autumn 2015 with project titled “Salaam Shalom Shanti Peace”.
Please visit Balaji temple’s interfaith page at following link for more details of the project:
We also came across news in 2011 about the temple trustees donating the Hindu temple funds, which were meant for the construction of the temple in response to St. Marys Hospice fundraising news appeal.
Temple’s foreign coins donation valued at £1.5k
We now request you to appeal lawfully and peacefully to stop this Interfaith Hill Project. We also suggest you to write and request them to stop this project.
Email id of the chairman of the temple, Dr. VP. Narayan Rao: vpnraouk@yahoo.co.uk temple@venkateswara.org.uk
Email id of Raaj Shamji: parsihilluk@yahoo.com
Please see below the email sent by FHA to the chairman of the temple, Dr. VP. Narayan Rao: Subject: Appeal to stop the Seven Faith Hill project by Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple of UK Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 23:10:22 -0700 From: Forum for Hindu Awakening <info@forumforhinduawakening.org> To: temple@venkateswara.org.uk, vpnraouk@yahoo.co.uk
|| Shree ||
We at Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA) have received several complaints from devout Hindus about the “Salaam Shalom Shanti Peace Faith Hill Project” and subsequent establishment of the “Islamic Faith Hill UK” which is going to be unveiled in September 2015 by Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple of UK.
We have reviewed the details of this project which are posted at the following links,
We would like to bring to your attention how this project will mislead the function and importance of Hindu temples. As per the Seven Faith Hills project, faith hills representing Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism will be established in the Hindu Temple campus. This defeats the purpose of the Hindu Temple where devout Hindus gather to worship, as the sanctity of the Hindu temple is disturbed. Allowing such monuments of other faith within the Hindu Temple campus is also an invitation to anti-Hindu activities and malpractices in temple like conversions, love jihad, take over on temple property (land jihad), consumption of non-vegetarian food etc.
Given below are just a few examples of anti-Hindu incidences which were the outcome of such interfaith activities:
- Australia’s Liverpool council served beef at interfaith lunch (Ref: http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/54313.html)
- In UK, a Hindu Spiritual Organization- International Siddhashram Shakti Centre has organized Shravana Maas program along with Qawwali program by Khan Brothers. (Ref: http://forumforhinduawakening.org/dharma/news/2012/07/27/hindus-request-siddhashram-uk-cancel-qawwali-shravana-maas-programme-july-27/)
For many years the Christians and Muslims have been eyeing Tirupati to make it their place of worship. We should take a lesson from the Balaji temple in Tirupati, Bharat, where Christian missionaries have been carrying out illegal proselytization activities endangering the Holy places of Tirumala Hills and Tirupati. Please refer to a recent such attack,http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/29154.html)
Also there is an attempt to build the seven layer/storied building of Heera International Islamic University (College) (HIIC) in Chandragiri village which is about 13 kilometers from Tirupati. Please refer to the news about the same at, http://forumforhinduawakening.org/dharma/campaigns/2013/11/18/stop-the-international-islamic-university-at-tirupati/
Above are just a few recent examples of the attacks on Hindu Dharma by the Christian and Muslim faith by attacking the places of worship of the Hindus. But there is a long history of such attacks inflicted on Hindu Dharma by Christian missionaries and Islamic fundamentalists. For the last ten centuries Muslims have targeted the most sacred places where Hindu temples were located. They have a long history of occupying and destroying Hindu temples and building Mosques either on top of the demolished temples or next to these temples.
Moreover, Christian missionaries are accusing Hinduism as false religion and trying to convert Hindus into Christianity. Not only they engage in conversions in the public schools and colleges by luring the students to medical and engineering colleges, they have been engaging in proselytization and conversions activities near the Hindu temples as well as on the premises of the temples.
Given the history of the Christian and Muslim faith such projects can only cause harm to the Hindu community and its culture. We cannot turn a blind eye to the anti-Hindu activities by other faiths, and believe that everything is well.
Today Hindu temples are under attack everywhere. Indian Government is taking over Hindu temples and on the other hand anti-Hindus and fanatics are attacking temples in broad daylight. This is like snatching the psychological and spiritual support of the Hindus. This is no less an attack on the Hindu culture. Considering this project will be unveiled in UK, it can open doors for anti-Hindus and fanatics to allow them to destroy our temples and thus destroy Hindu culture and Hinduism.
Hindu Temples are the foundation stones of Hindu Dharma and play an important role in protection, preservation and nurturing of Hindu culture. Today Hindus themselves are moving away from Dharma and the Hindu community itself is divided due to lack of Dharma education. There is a greater need of imparting Dharma education to Hindus and to unite Hindus. Hindu temple has a big role to play to preserve the Hindu Dharma and to guide Hindus, and the temple premises should only be used to protect the interests of the Hindus.
We urge you to consider the above points and stop this seven faith hills project and the unveiling of the “Islamic Faith Hill UK” to maintain sanctity of Hindu temples and preserve Hindu Dharma and Hindu culture.
Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA) is a nonprofit organization that strives to awaken society to the unique spiritual science behind Hindu Dharma concepts and practices, to motivate people to live and preserve them, and to facilitate the spiritual progress of humanity. One of the ways we do this is by addressing misrepresentations of Hinduism and campaigning against malpractices done in the name of Hindu Dharma. For further details please refer to our website http://forumforhinduawakening.org/.
Awaiting your prompt action and reply.
Sincerely, Forum for Hindu Awakening, www.HinduAwakening.org
Source : FHA