Attack on Hindu students in Osmania Unv condemned

Hyderabad-MapHyderabad: Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee (CLMC)has condemned the attack on Dalit students and burning of Sarath Naliganti room who is a student leader, research scholar of Osmania University and MLA contested candidate of MIM from Amberpet constituency by Hindutva student wing ABVP at Osmania University campus.

The Hindutva organizations such as RSS and ABVP are spreading its tentacles in Osmania University campus by taking the advantage of Telangana movement. Now this fascist group belonging to RSS and ABVP wants to dominate the whole campus and infiltrating the students’ minds with communalism, hatred, jealousy and attacks on Dalit and Minority students. It is not the first time that the ABVP students have done such acts; they have been attacking students from Dalit and Muslim communities every now and then, not only at Osmania University but also at other universities as well.

As per the sources of CLMC, this attack on Ambedkarite Dalit and on Sarath and burning of his room was a well-planned conspiracy to eliminate him who is resisting the Hindutva fascist forces in the campus and emerged as a strong leader and after the recent elections he has become a face of Osmania University and a symbol of Dalit-Muslim unity. The information coming from the campus is that this attack is not the clash between two student groups which is portrayed by the media but in fact there is a strong political hand behind this and the involvement of BJP MLA Kishan Reddy is highly suspected as Sarath had given tough fight to him in the elections. After the elections, Sarath has become the target of the RSS gang. The height of hatred against Sarath can be imagined by seeing his burnt room in which laptop, handwritten theses, books and certificates were all burnt and also it is a matter of sadness that cash amount of Rs. 4 Lakhs was also burnt which was borrowed for his sister’s marriage.

It is a matter of grave concern for this committee that RSS gang is using Dalits and Adivasis to attack on Ambedkarites and Muslim students. The Dalit leadership instead of protecting their community from RSS gang has themselves gone into their fold. It is the travesty of Dalit community and it is a matter of shame that the Dalit intellectuals have become mute spectators on the conditions of Dalit community especially of youth and students sufferings.

CLMC has demanded to conduct high level enquiry on the incident because there is threat to the life of Sarath and other Ambedkarites. Security cover should be provided to Sarath Naliganti as he has become the eye of the storm for the ABVP goons. This committee also demands the Vice-Chancellor of Osmania University to restore the educational atmosphere in the campus and promote the secular and democratic values and also take disciplinary action against the Hindutva fascist forces. We also demand the Vice-Chancellor of OU to keep an eye on B-Hostel as it is the den of the RSS-ABVP gang.

It also urged the Vice-Chancellor of Osmania University to pay the loss which he has suffered due to the burning of his room as it has happened in the campus for which the university is responsible.

Source: Two Circles