Any foreign university offering BA in Hindu Theology?

Searching for a foreign university to offer a BA in Hindu Theology in the Caribbean

in association with the University of the West Indies (UWI) – to complement the existing BA in Christian Theology Programme at UWI.

The university must be long established and internationally accredited.

If interested, please contact me as a local facilitator.

See details below of the existing BA in Christian Theology Programme at UWI.

BA Theology


Students pursuing the BA in Theology are required to do courses in Biblical Studies, Historical Studies, Theological and Ethical Studies, Religious and Philosophical Studies and Pastoral Studies. The BA Theology degree is offered in association with Theological Colleges in Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago.



(See page 100 for course listings & page 256 for course descriptions)




See Newspaper Article


UWI failing Theology

Parsuram Maharaj: An Executive Member of the Sanat Tuesday, October 7 2003


The University of the West Indies (UWI), and specifically the School of Humanities, Theology Department, has been failing in their interpretation and proper delivery of theological studies for years. UWI, in its dispensation of theological studies, perpetrates discrimination and religious bias better suited to the Middle Ages.




See image attached for course listing.



Dr Kumar Mahabir,

Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Florida

B.A., M.Phil., Literatures in English, University of the West Indies

Former Organization of American States (OAS) Fellow


10 Swami Avenue, Don Miguel Road

San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago

West Indies

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)