Anti-Hindu news channel’s anchor Arnab Goswami criticize Hindu leader Pramod Mutalik in a program

  • Hindu Rashtra is required to stop intimidation by anti-Hindu media !
  • Hindus should boycott such news channels collectively !
  • Program- host Arnav Goswami shouts at Hindu representatives exhibiting yellow journalism !
  • Pramod Mutalik and his personal secretary leave the program half way !
  • Sanatan Sanstha’s spokesperson, Shri. Anand Jakhotia not allowed to talk !

Mumbai : Anti-Hindu news channel ‘Times Now’ has started a drive against Mutalik as BJP withdrew his membership from the party. Old clippings of January 2009 were shown again and again over the channel where Shri. Mutalik had reprimanded women behaving indecently in a pub. He was referred to as ‘goonda’ and strongly defamed and censured. ( Will ‘Times Now’ dare to criticize any Muslim leader in this manner; and even if they do, what would be its repercussions ? If Shri. Mutalik was really a ‘goonda’, will any news channel show guts to say anything against him ? – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat )

During ‘News-hour’ discussion program, Arnav Goswami shouted at Shri. Mutalik, his personal secretary, Shri. Kumar Hakari, Sanatan Sanstha’s spokesperson Shri. Anand Jakhotia and Sriram Sena’s Secretary, Shri. Sunil Handu; without giving them a chance to speak. Finally, Shri. Mutalik and Shri. Hakari left the program half way, but Goswami did not feel anything about it and he continued to spit venom against Hindus exhibiting obscene terrorism of anti-Hindu news channels. ( Hindus need to start a channel in Hindus’ interest for eradication of terrorism of anti-Hindu media ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat )

‘Times Now’ defames me, out of its hatred towards Hindus ! – Pramod Mutalik

Giving his reaction to ‘Times Now’s Nikhil Joshi, Shri. Mutalik said, “I have been in prison for 15 days in connection with 2009 issue. Case is going on in the Court and it will take time for verdict. I am ready to go through punishment given by Court; but out of its Hindu-hatred, ‘Times Now’ channel cannot defame me. There have been hundreds of incidents but instead of showing those, why are you defaming me ? I can contest election as per the right given to me under democracy and nobody can stop me from that. I have support of thousands of youth; but it is not right to criticize referring to only past incidents.”

Source: Dainik sanatan Prabhat