Alleged mastermind of the Mumbai 26/11 attacks Hafiz Saeed targeting Hindu Nationalist Leader “Modi” on Pak Hindu’s

Hafiz Saeed

At a time when BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is under fire from the Congress raking up his secular credentials, JuD chief Hafiz Saeed and alleged mastermind of the Mumbai 26/11 attacks on Monday added to the debate saying Hindus in Pakistan “remain protected.”

Directly targeting Modi, Saeed tweeted, “I want @narendramodi to listen, Hindus of Pakistan, their lives & honor will always remain protected unlike what you did with Muslims.”

BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said, “I do not think we need to take notice of Hafiz Saeed. The humiliation and suffering of Hindus in Pakistan is too well known. Consistently tormenting Hindu families and young Hindu girls in Pakistan has become focus of political activism. His politics is no different from that. They have never spoken a word against that.”

Saeed, an accused in the 2008 Mumbai carnage, is among 50 most wanted terrorists on the list India has handed over to Pakistan. The tweets from Saeed’s twitter handle were retweeted by Jamat-ud-Dawa, the parent group of LeT.

Another tweet on Saeed’s twitter handle @HafizSaeedJUD said, “We want to spread the culture of helping each other. We are representative of almighty ALLAH, we believe in preaching through evidence.”

Saeed, known to be close to Pakistan’s ISI, in his tweet also said, “ALLAH has ordered us to protect minorities, their places of worship, honor and lives are protected in Pakistan, unlike India.”

Another tweet said, “We will NEVER allow Pakistan to become a battlefield by Indian conspiracies in this region.” One of his tweets said, “Instead of instigating Hindus in Pakistan, @narendramodi should focus on fulfilling rights of Muslims in India. Hindus in Pakistan are safe.”

Source: The Indian Express