Activist Objects to Bath Mats With Image of Hindu Deity

hindu_deity_stone_sculpture_bath_mat-r3de0abb8d5db469e95c9d01068601b7c_zpsm9_324A Hindu activist is calling on Boston-based online retailer Wayfair to stop selling bath mats carrying the image of the Hindu deity Ganesha.

Universal Society of Hinduism President Rajan Zed said Lord Ganesha is highly revered in Hinduism and is meant to be worshipped in temples or home shrines and not used to dry feet.

He said the inappropriate use of Hindu deities or concepts for commercial use isn’t acceptable and hurts devotees.

The website advertises what is described as a “Hindu God Ganesha Bath Mat/Rug” for $38.99.

A spokeswoman for Wayfair says the company was unaware of the concerns, but said whenever there is a complaint about a product the company investigates and takes appropriate action.

Zed said in Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the god of wisdom.
