Herewith I enclose the certificate and correspondence confirming my induction as Achaaryaji Taakur Naresh.
Lord Hari’s most humble Servant & Yours in the service of Dharma Sanathana
Sri Nath A. R. Maharaj
Durjanaah sajjano bhuyaat sajjanah
Shaantim aapnuyaat shaabto mucyeta bandhebhyo
Muktashchaanyaan vimochayet
“May the wicked become virtuous; May the virtuous attain tranquility; May the tranquil be freed from the bonds;May the freed make others free.”- Samano Mantris
I surrender my message to my god and pray it reaches you free from evil.
Binu Satsangha Vivek Na Hoyi, Raama Kripa Binu Shulb Na Soyi;
Sathsangha Muda Mangala Moola, Soyi Phal Siddhi Sab Sadhana Phoola
“Contact with noble souls is the root of joy and blessings; it constitutes the very fruit and fulfillment of all endeavors, whereas all other practices are blossoms as it were.”- Ramayana
Source: KVM via. WHN Piblisher