kedarnath-1_650_061514094846Work to provide all necessary facilities will be completed on time before the start of the coming Char Dham Yatra. The State Government is aiming to provide better facilities at Kedarnath with arrangements being made to accommodate about 4,000 visitors overnight there.

The Chief Minister, Harish Rawat, said this while talking to a delegation of Char Dham Hotel Association which called upon him in Dehradun on Monday. Talking to the delegation of hoteliers, the CM said that better trekking routes are being developed. Helicopter services will be introduced for the convenience of the pilgrims. Helipads will be made at various points between Guptkashi and Kedarnath so that aerial services are available readily. Work has begun on rope way from Linchauli to Kedarnath.

In order to ensure safety of the visitors the personnel of State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) will be deployed along the yatra route. Medical teams will also be deployed all throughout the yatra route. Bio-metric registration of the tourists will also be done. Telecommunication towers have have seen set up at various places in order to ensure good connectivity.

To enable pilgrims to talk to their relatives, PCOs are also being set up. Pilgrims will have access to water, electricity and other basic facilities in a better manner than before, averred Rawat.The CM said that adventure tourism will commence in the Char Dham circuit before the yatra commences next year. In order to promote the yatra, the CM will personally tour all over India and spread the message of Uttarakhand being a safe destination for tourists.

The CM has appealed to office holders of all associations to extend all support to the government. This message must also be disseminated through tour operators and other media.

The Government will give serious consideration to points raised by the association. The CM has also instructed all officers to repair Char Dham roads before the start of the yatra.

The Government is prepared for the yatra and rehabilitation work is under process in Kedarnath despite challenging weather conditions. The work by Nehru Institute of Mountaineering is commendable. It is the State’s priority to prepare Kedarnath for yatra before pilgrims start coming, added the CM.

Source: Daily Pioneer