Swami Vigyananand ji
Founder & Global chairman of World Hindu Foundation (WHF). He is a towering practitioner intellectual of Sanatan Dharma and a distinguished scholar on Hinduism and global Hindu movement. He is an intellectual mentor and strategic guide for hundreds of distinguished Hindu activists and organizations operating multitude of Hindu empowerment and awareness projects with a world wide scope comprising Asia Pacific, European, South Asian, African and American regions. He is currently Jt. General Secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Bharat. He did his Bachelors in Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India.
Dr. Mahesh Mehta is the Founder and Former President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America. He has been instrumental in starting several important organizations in USA and serving on their Boards and Committees. Friends of India Society International, India Development and Relief Fund, Hindu Student Council, Hindu Heritage Foundation of America, India Quality Group, Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of America. Dr. Mehta served as the Chairman of The Global Vision 2000 conference in 1993 at Washington DC. The conference attracted over 10,000 people from over 60 countries. Dr. Mehta has written many articles on the social, political and cultural aspects of life. His latest publication is the book entitled ‘Hindu Philosophy in Action’.
Dr. Mehta has taken initiative to establish a Forum for Global Indians for Bharat Vikas in USA in September 2013. Dr. Mehta is one of the Founder Trustees of Arundhati Vashishta Anusandhan Peeth, Prayag. He was appointed Director of AVAP in February 2009. Dr. Mehta is one of the Founders and a Director of Hindu University of America, Orlando, Florida. Dr. Mehta is the Chairman of Innovative Quality Group Inc that runs leadership seminars for young professionals in India. Dr. Mehta is at present the Vice President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad with an assignment of Global coordination of VHP organizational work globally. Over 40 years of global social service record; primarily focused on India, Indians, Hindus and Americans: areas of interest Hindu Dharma, philosophy, culture. Dr. Mehta holds Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Physical Chemistry, a degree in Law and has done Post-Doctoral Research in Polymer Science and Technology. He has several technical publications in scientific and technical journals and Patents.
A Ph.D. from The University of Michigan (1964), is presently Loflin Professor–Emeritus at University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA. He was Fulbright Pro-fessor to India (1986-87 and 1993-94); Japan NTT Distinguished visitor (1987) and past President of Hindu University of America, Orlando, FL. He authored text books and monographs and super-vised twenty one Ph.Ds. and eight Post-docs during his tenure. He was Editor (Co-editor: Dr. Subhash Kak) of Computing Sciences in Ancient India, a University of Louisiana Publication in1997 Editor (Co-editor S. Kalyanaraman) of Portrayal of Hinduism in Western Indology, a WAVES Publication in 2010. . He received several awards: IEEE Fellow (1984) and ACM Fellow in (1994) for his researches in Computer Fault-Tolerance and Pride of India Gold Award from NRI Institute, London, UK (2004).

Shri. Dilip Mehta
A M.S. in Physics from Northeastern University, Boston is president of Hindu Mahasabha of America aka Hindu Congress of America (HMSA), he is an educator by profession and ex– VHPA Houston Chapter president, ex-Governing Council Member and founder of VHPA Camp in Houston. He has rectified many newspapers publications on Hinduism and educated editors. He started Hindu Club at University of Kansas in 1966. One of the cofounders of Chinmay Mission –US. A subject matter expert and contemporary analyst on Hinduism and Dharma. With over six decades of selfless service experience towards Hindu Dharma sustainability, preser-vation and protection, he has immensely contributed to multiple Hindu organizations, motivated and involved thousands of Hindus worldwide towards volunteering for Hindu cause, issues and empowerment. He is a regular speaker at various regional, national and international forums.

Shri.Ashok Chowgule
Born in 1948, Ashok Ji did his BS.c in Economics & Statistics from Bristol University in England. Later business studies from USA Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He joined the Chowgule group of companies in Goa, with responsibilities for finance and admin-istration. In 1977 Chowgule Group promoted Narmada Cement Company Limited, country’s first one million ton capacity cement plan. Presently he is an Executive Director of Chowgule & Company Limited, the parent organization of Chowgule Group. The group has interest in mineral processing, shipping, ship-building, Salt, Breweries, Industrial explosive, Industrial Oxygen, Fisheries etc Shri Chowgule is in charge of ship building activity of the group. Since 1991, Shri Ashok Chowgule is actively as-sociated with the Vishva Hindu Parishad and he is presently Trustee and Working president of VHP.Shri Chowgule also assist RSS to protect the socio –political issues of Hindutva.

Dr. Subramanian Swamy
Subramanian Swamy (born 15 September 1939) is an Indian politician and economist. He was the President of the Janata Party. Ideologically a staunch Hindutva proponent, he merged his party on 11 August 2013 with BJP. Swamy has previously served as member of the Planning Commission of India and Cabinet Minister of India. He has written on foreign affairs of India dealing largely with China, Pakistan and Israel. He is also a published author. In 1964, Swamy joined the faculty of economics at Harvard beginning as an assistant professor in July 1966 and in 1969 became an associate professor. Thereafter, he moved to the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and he was a professor of mathematical economics there from 1969 to 1991. He served on the Board of Governors of the IIT, Delhi (1977–80) and on the Council of IITs (1980–82). He taught economics courses in summer session at Harvard until 2011. In December 2011, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences removed his course from the Harvard Summer School offerings in response to a controversial article he wrote, effectively ceasing his employment at Harvard. Dr.Swamy now serves as Chairman of the School of Communication and Management Studies in Kochi. He has mentored, guided hundreds of Hindu leaders, activist, academicians in Asia, Europe and American regions. His know how on contemporary Hindu issues and strategies to sustain Dharma is authoritative. He is a Hindu Ratna Awaree by Vishwa Hindu Parishad. He is an author of renowned book – Hindus Under Siege: The Way Out (Partial content @Source: Wiki)
Dr. Pravin Togadia is an Indian doctor and is the international working president of Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), an organization with presence in over 33,000 villages and cities and has 35 international sister organizations working for empowerment of Hinduism. Dr. Pravin Togadia was born in 1956 at Amreli, Gujarat and is a cancer surgeon by qualification. He moved to Ahemdabad at the age of 10 and joined Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest Hindu organization with approx. 20 million members with myriad of sister organizations serving Hindus at social, Dharmic and political levels in India and abroad. Dr. Pravin Togadia practiced as a surgeon for fourteen years, and established a small hospital, Dhanvantri Hospital in Ahemdabad. He holds a bachelor’s degree (MBBS) in medicine and a master’s degree (MS) in surgical oncology. His blogs and articles can be researched and analyzed at http://www.organiser.org. More Bio..
Sanjay Mehta is the General Secretary of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA). He is an active member of interfaith group. He is a Sunday school (Bal Vihar) teacher for three decades. He presents and speaks on Hindu teachings in various forums. He serves as a Seva (service) coordinator for many local and national groups. He is involved in Bhutanese refugees’settlement initiatives. He is an Information Technology professional. He lives in Pittsburgh, PA with wife, daughter and son.
Tapan Kumar Ghosh is the founder of Hindu Samhati – www.HinduSamhati.org , a new Hindu grassroots organisation that has created a much needed resistance in West Bengal against a wave of Islamic encroachment, aggression and expansionism that we are all aware of. Since the dark days of the Emergency, Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh has been a full-time Hindu activist, community organiser and human rights campaigner for the past 37 years. Sri Ghosh has been a RSS swayamsevak from the early age of 13 and has been a Pracharak since 1976. He was trained under the eminent personalities of Sri Guruji Golwalkar and Sri Bhaurao-ji Deoras, and enriched by the close association with Sri D B Thengadi, Sri Rajju Bhaia, Sri K S Sudarshan, Sri Ashok Singhal, etc. In 1975, Sri Ghosh had plunged into the Satyagraha (led by Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan) against the draconian Emergency. He courted civil arrest and was imprisoned for 3 months in Alipore Presidency Jail in Kolkata. He worked as a full fledged underground worker during the whole period of Emergency.
Facebook: https://www.
Previously a professor in Clinical Psychology and the Director of Addiction Research Institute, Pennsylvania. Dr. Babu Suseelan is one of the Directors of Indian Intellectual Forum (IIF), New York. He has written books & essays on issues Hindus and Hinduism are encountering in contemporary world. He has also given key note speeches at various American and International Forums. He is also the Chairperson of The Interfaith Coalition, New York. Dr.Babu Suseelan’s career has included as a University Professor, Psychologist, Addiction Treatment and Criminogenic Specialist. He is the author of several published articles on Hinduism, Jihad, Islamic terrorism, Criminal Mind and Cognitive Restructuring. He is one of the most prominent Hindu community leader in America and has mentored and guided hundreds of Indian Americans in contemporary Hinduism.
Narain Kataria is the President of Indian American Intellectuals Forum. The main objective of this forum is to strengthen Indo-American relations and create an awareness in Indian-Americans and non-Indian Americans, and educate them about the menace of terrorism all over the world. This forum organizes every year “HINDU UNITY DAY” in New York. So far they have celebrated 19 Annual Hindu Unity Days. Kataria is connected with several Hindu organizations. He was a member of the Governing Council of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America and Organizing Secretary of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh for New York State. Mr. Kataria lives in New York for the last 42 years. He has Master’s degree in History. He is a survivor of the Partition of India in which millions of Hindus were killed. After retirement from a prominent Law Firm in New York in 1998, he has been working 24/7 for Hindu-related causes.
Whenever there is any problem for Hindu community in any part of the world, this forum takes the lead, organizes protests, sends thousands of e-mails and petitions to the concerned authorities. Kataria was conferred the award of ‘HINDU MANI” by SHIKSHAYATAN”, a New York organization working to promote Indian Music (Shastriya Sangeet) in this country. He was also awarded the title of ‘HINDU RAKSHAK” by HINDI-USA. He could be reached at Katarian@aol.com. His blog is: NarainKataria.blogspot.com.
Born in Gopalganj, Bihar in 1976, he did his schooling from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. Did his MCA and later PGDBM from SIBM, Pune. Currently based out of Pune, India. Sangh Swyamasevak from childhood. Actively involved with various social organizations. MukhyaShikshak and Karyawah of the Aundh IT Milan Shakha from 2009 till 2012. Started new IT Milan Shakha in Pashan Region in 2012.
Contributing to World Hindu Economic Forum (WHEF) as IT Head. Also managing technical operations of all World Hindu Foundation (WHF) portals. Deeply involved in the field of education to reestablish Dharma in our education system. Our goal is to develop a cost effective quality education system in Bharat. The work includes developing education model, creating standards, publishing quality books for schools, training modules for teachers etc. This task is being done under banner of Aryavarta Trust.

Shri. Bal. K. Gupta
Bal K. Gupta,P.E. is a prominent Indian American author, speaker and intellectual. Bal K. Guta is one of the few survivors of the Alibeg concentration camp (first ever concentration camp by Islamists where Hindus were detained, located in Kashmir on the India / Pakistan border) that was created during the 1947 British partition of India. He has narrated his experiences in his new memoirs titled “Forgotten Atrocities: Memoirs of a survivor of the 1947 British Partition of India). He is also a mentor and guide to Atlanta based Hindu Mahasabha of America (HMSA) chapter. You can access his books at : http://www.amazon.com/Forgotten-Atrocities-Memoirs-Survivor-Partition/dp/1257914197,
- Born and brought up in a small village in Bihar 25 miles south of Patna. He completed his bachelor in Civil Engineering from BIT Sindri and Master of Engineering from IIT Roorkee. He has been living in Houston since 1997 along with his wife and two children. He has been associated with Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) since 1999 and served the organization with different responsibilities.His current role in HSS is Houston chapter Executive Director (karyawah) and South West Region Executive Director (sahkaryawah) Being in HSS he has been organizing Hindu organizations in Greater Houston area since 2006. He has been pioneer in supporting Bhutanese Hindu refugees in Houston along with HSS and Sewa International volunteers.
Shivaram Sitaram is president of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA), Washington, DC chapter.He has been a prominent member of American Hindu community since a decade. Under his leadership, the chapter publishes an insightful book ‘Chaitanya Bharti’ which covers content that impact Hindus, Hinduism on a global scale. The chapter also runs a successful Bal Vihar (Sunday school program) enrolling hundreds of kids for Dharmic education and is closely integrated with regional Dharmic Hindu temples and organizations. He has also worked extensively in providing relief and support for Hindu Bhutanese refugee community in Metropolitan DC area. He is an engineer by profession.
Mr. Sant Gupta moved to the US over 45 years ago. He holds B. Tech EE from IIT Delhi, MSEE from the University of Florida and MBA from Rutgers University, NJ. He resides in Washington DC suburbs and works full time as Business Development Executive serving the US DOD and Federal marketplace. Sant Gupta has championed the networking between institutions as the Program Chair for Hindu Mandir Executive Conference (HMEC) in North America. He has promoted dialog between communities through active participation in Inter-Faith Conference of Washington DC (IFCMW). He is also a member of GHF-AMD program advisory board.
He has served Durga Temple of VA as the President of the Executive Board. Currently, he is a member of the Executive Board of the World Hindu Council of America and actively supports Life In Yoga Institute (LIYI), Hindu American Foundation (HAF) and Indian American Forum for Political Education (IAFPE). Sant Gupta is married and has three adult children and two grand-daughters.
Brannon aka Vrndavan attended Vedic Gurukula schools from the age of 4 to 14 years. He studied in the USA, Canada and in Vrndavan, India. Studied Sanskrit, Hindi, Vedic literature as well as English, Math, Indian History and the Vedic tradition of Cow protection. He also studied Political Science, World History and Japanese at Kapiolani Community College and Computer Network and Security Infrastructure and Electronics at North Seattle Community College. Formerly initiated into Gaudiya Vaishnavism by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Gayatri Mantram from Bhakti-Sundar Govinda Maharaj. He is dedicated to bringing the ideals of Prabhupad’s Vision beyond the confines of the organization and developing a full spectrum Vedic society that encompasses our entire human civilizationHas been researching and publicly presenting Vedic Historical and Cross-cultural connections since 1996. A Founding Member of WAVES, World Association for Vedic Studies. Owner and Founder of Vedic Empire Productions, a multi-media cultural production company. Former Candidate for Hawaii State Senate in 1996. Publicly elected to the Waikiki Neighborhood Board, in Honolulu, HI, 1997. A Founding member and former Vice-President of the Vedic Friends Association. Former Executive Board Member of Community Television of Lane County, Oregon, CTVLC. Served for 2 years as Head of the publicity and programming committees.
His main focus has been on highlighting the similarities between the ancient cultures and civilizations around the world and defining their Vedic roots. Vrndavan stresses the importance of recognizing Hinduism as the world’s longest and most contiguous ancient culture stemming from the World’s ancient Vedic Civilization. He has written numerous essays on the subject and firmly states his opinion that Hinduism and Vedic knowledge and practices hold the key to solving many global problems on a social, economic, ecological, political, and religious level. Brannon dedicates his time to working with organizations that promote Vedic Dharma. He holds the distinction as a founding member of WAVES (World Association for Vedic Studies), VFA (Vedic Friends Association) and AVA, the Latin American branch of VFA. Vrndavan is also a Co-founder of Arise Arjuna Foundation and is a member of the Hindu American Foundation and the Indian-American Friendship Council. He is also a member of GHF-AMD program advisory board.
He is the author of ‘Orissa in the Crossfire-Kandhamal Burning’, ‘Kandhamal – A Fact-File’ and the soon to be released book ‘The Serpent, the Eagle, the Lion and the Disc’.
Ashok M Thakkar is President and CEO of the Johns Creek, GA (USA) based Global Alliance Management company, ITTI, LLC. Ashok has degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Business Management and has visited over forty countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and North & South America to gain firsthand knowledge of management practices. He has lectured on the subject of Quality in USA, Canada, Mexico, Peru, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Egypt.
Ashok also produces Documentaries on important topics related to History and Hinduism.
Ashok is a published author and internationally recognized speaker. His path-breaking work in long-term quality strategy and supply chain management has won him international accolades. More Bio…
Superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. He has been a visiting faculty to a number of Institutes (like the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA), Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) and Academies, including Management Training Institutes, covering different aspects of security and industrial security management. He used to coordinate a six-day module on Security and Safety Management at the Aravali Institute of Management, Jodhpur. More Bio…..