Editor –in-Chief of World Hindu News condemns the unethical & unconstitutional arrest of Republic TV Editor –in-Chief Arnab Goswami, upon MH-CM Sh. Uddhav Thackeray to ensure that Mr. Goswami is treated fairly

Houston, TX

Editor –in-Chief of World Hindu News – a leading digital news media portal strongly condemns the arrest of Republic TV Editor –in-Chief Arnab Goswami. The arrest is unethical as media is the fourth pillar of democracy and arresting, assaulting Journalist and media persons without proper legal procedures showcases the immoral games designed and executed by enemies of nationalist and patriot media. Maharashtra was first state which passed Maharashtra Media Persons and Media Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage or Loss to Property) Bill, 2017, one of the first laws in the country which ensures protection for journalists, a good act; however, this sudden arrest is extremely distressing.

The arrest is unconstitutional as proper police procedure and court confidence wasn’t taken in account and summons, notices weren’t delivered.  Media is not above law, but due process of law and order wasn’t followed and Police has acted in a way which has furthered undermined the creditability of few Mumbai police officers who are taking directions from vested interest Anti national politicians, activists, Bollywood families and business houses who are being exposed by Republic TV. The Editor –in-Chief of World Hindu News calls upon CM of Maharashtra Shri. Uddhav Thakeray to ensure that Mr. Arnab Goswami is treated fairly and state power is not used against critical reporting by media. Maharashtra was the leading state which enacted special laws to protect Journalists and media persons from physical attacks, a good act; however, this sudden arrest is extremely distressing.

World Hindu News urges Hon’ble CM of Maharashtra Shri. Uddhav Thakeray and party senior leader Sh. Sanjay Raut to not fall as a ‘pawn’ in hands of NCP and Congress party. The Maharashtra NCP and Congress party has a history of politically and physically persecuting patriotic and Dharmic Hindus and Hindu orgs. in Maharastra and blame is being put on Shiv Sena, a party founded by Late. Sh. Balasaheb Thackeray who always protected the Hindu patriots in and out of Maharastra. Republic TV Editor –in-Chief Arnab Goswami is exposing the same group of individuals and organizations who have taken Mumbai city Art-Music and film industry and majority of police, legal and administrative system as hostage. They are using British Raj philosophy of divide and rule i.e. using Shiv Sena to persecute Hindus and taking Hindus away from Shiv Sena.  Sh. Uddhav Thakeray must not forget that NCP- Congress Government in 2003 tried hard to arrest and persecute Late. Sh. Balasaheb Thackeray and many Shiv Sainiks have laid their lives fighting Jihadists and Anti Nationals / Islamic underworld in Maharastra. Shiv Sena has always supported Hindu empowerment programs in Maharastra and India in state and national legislatives and this act severely undermines the pan world Hindu unity.

Editor –in-Chief of World Hindu News also calls upon Republic TV Editor –in-Chief Arnab Goswami to understand the nexus of NCP – Congress party cadres in Maharastra which is using Shiv Sena as a ‘pawn’ and ‘face’ to execute their nefarious Anti Hindu and Anti National agendas, hence Republic TV editorial focus should be the real anti-national culprits who are hiding behind Shiv Sena and not Shiv Sena directly, because Shiv Sena is a patriot Hindu political organization and is currently constrained to co-operate with NCP-Congress to sustain Govt.

As of now, the NCP – Congress party is getting success in dividing the patriot forces in Maharastra. This is resulting in heavy collateral damage of political, Dharmic, social and media organizations who want good of Hindus and Hinduism. If Maharastra BJP (100 MLA’s) would have acted wisely, they could have given CM post to Shiv Sena and govern MH jointly, that would have empowered Hindus. However BJP state cadres have many short sighted, self-centric and selfish CM post hungry candidates, not only in Maharastra but in other states also, who have no nationalist and pro Dharmic vision, as a result Anti India and Anti Hindu forces are ruling states in spite of popular mandate. Such CM post hungry state BJP leaders are a liability for BJP, RSS and Sh. Amit Shah, Sh. Modi ji who are working day and night to save, sustain and empower India and Dharma against the all-powerful Anti India and Anti Hindu forces.

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Source: http://www.rahulchandrasharma.com/2020/11/07/editor-in-chief-of-world-hindu-news-condemns-the-unethical-unconstitutional-arrest-of-republic-tv-editor-in-chief-arnab-goswami-upon-mh-cm-sh-uddhav-thackeray-to-ensure-that-mr/