Guyana Dharmic Sabha calls on President Granger to respect will of the people: Paras Ramoutar


Port-of-Spain: The Guyana Dharmic Sabha has added its voice for democracy so that the will of the people as reflected in the March 2 election be respected.
In a release, the Sabha the governing council for the Hindu community noted: “We must continue to insist on respect for democracy and accountability from the Guyana Election Commission(GECOM) in the declaration of the results reflecting all the votes and the will of Guyanese people.”

Dismayed that the country’s four month long electoral process has not reached its final conclusion, according to a release, the Sabha noted that the election results reflecting all the votes and the will of the Guyanese people.
In an earlier statement which resulted in the National Recount by a team of CARICOM observers, the Sabha pointed out that the results were described by CARICOM observer team as being acceptable and constituting the basis for the declaration of credible results on the March 2, 2020″.

The Sabha noted the comments made by CARICOM Chair, Barbados Prime minister Mia Mottle on Guyana’s political situation and the attacks that followed, deeming those attacks as, “reprehensible”

“As Head of State and Chair of CARICOM and an outstanding Caribbean woman, Prime Minister Mottley has inalienable right to express her views on the current untenable post-election state -of-affairs in Guyana”.
The report prepared by the High Level CARICOM team observed the recount process at the behest and approval of President Granger has provided the basis for Prime Minister Mottley as the sitting Chair of CARICOM, to give a statement on Guyana’s unresolved elections.
“They spew vitriol and offensive on this distinguished leader for speaking in her characteristic forthright about the bizarre nature of post election period, as well as the attempt by CEO of GECOM to manipulate the elections results by disenfranchising 115,000 of voters is offensive and disrespectful”, the Sabha stated. The Guyana Dharmic Sabha was awarded the Pravisi Bharitya Diwas in 2019 by the Government of India, an honour and award designed to Indian diaspora.

CARICOM statements mirror the sentiments of many Guyanese, global leaders, international organizations and the diplomatic community.
The Sabha added: “Leaders must be responsible and set a good example for their supporters. Everyone is entitled to express his or her views and differ but spewing hate is not going to charge the fact that Guyana still remains in limbo four months after elections with a stagnant economy, concerns related to COVID 19 and many challenges facing our nation and its people as a result of this impasse”.

It added that it commends Guyanese for their patience throughout this period and urged all to let their words and conduct be free from hatred, resentment and ill will.

Source: World Hindu Network

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