Penang Hindu Association (PHA) Urging Reduction and or Financial Assistance for the Affordability of Funeral Expenses

P. Murugiah, President, Penang Hindu Association

Certain States like Malacca have reduced funeral expenses includingcrematorium cost, in view of  the hardship faced by citizens, in
particular the B40 group during this current period of Movement
Control Order (MCO). We, the Penang Hindu Association (PHA), urge the
Federal and State Government to assist in reducing the crematorium and
funeral expenses similar to the state of Malacca, in particular the
families of the B40 group. Otherwise these families to undertake the
funeral will be forced to borrow monies during these difficult times
or worst of all to pawn their jewellery to raise funds to meet
expenses related to the undertaking of funeral. The families of the
B40 Group have great difficulties in raising the required sum to meet
the funeral expenses, so much so they have even approached PHA for
financial help.   Moreover, under this MCO many have lost their jobs
and are not able to meet ends. As a result, they are forced to borrow
monies during these difficult times in order to raise funds to meet
the hefty funeral expenses.

PHA also urges the undertakers or the owners of funeral parlours and
Chinese and Indian crematoriums, as well as the rentals of tents,
pavilions and the likes, to reduce the associated costs to an
affordable cost for the bereaved families.

Sadly, due to the MCO, the regulations do not allow a crowd of more
than 20 to attend the funeral, or to perform the last rights. This
restriction has financially effected the raising of funds to meet the
expenses of the funeral, causing a great burden to the aggrieved
family.  Under normal circumstances, it is customary for relations and
close family members, to give Donations or “Ang Pow”  to the bereaved
family to reduce their financial burden for the funeral expenditure.
Due to the restriction in the numbers attending, under the MCO, this
income is reduced accordingly, thereby increasing their financial
burden , and may result in debt  to the undertaker or funeral service
Finally, again PHA urges the Government and the YB’s to provide
financial assistance or cash to the under privileged poor families of
B40 to mitigate the high cost of funeral, whether cremation or burial,
which ranges from RM 2,500.00 to RM 4,500.00.

Penang Hindu Association

Source: World Hindu News