An Old Hindu Temple desecrated by Vandals in Sydney

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, October 19, 2018 (Hindu Council AU): A Hindu Temple situated at Regents Park in Sydney Australia has been set on fire and all statues and icons of Indian Godheads have been smashed and left in ruin. They do not know who has done it but it has caused lot of pain and anguish to devotees celebrating the festival NavRatri or nine nights dedicated to worship of God in female form. The temple has been there for about twenty years and but for an incident of stone throwing ten years ago, the Fiji Hindu community has not had any problems until now.

When devotees came at 6pm to open the temple on Sunday evening 14th October 2018, they found smoke coming from inside their temple. Upon investigation, they found some people inside and when challenged, the miscreants jumped out of the window and vanished. The head priest of the temple Pandit Paras Ram Maharaj was in tears on seeing his Gods broken and strewn all over the floor. The Vandals had not only desecrated the God statues and icons but had also shamelessly thrown prayer material around. They had even set the altar on fire. Luckily the fire was quickly brought under control before it could do any further damage to the temple and the building.The big worry we have now, said the temple president is to restore the temple building back to its earlier glory. The temple is visited regularly by about 250 devotees who come from all over Sydney.
