How Sexual Blackmail Mafia Honey-trap Forthright BJP Leaders In India

Gujarat | Mumbai | Haryana:

After BJP’s Lok Sabha MP from Gujarat’s Valsad filed a complaint with the Delhi Police alleging that a gang led by a woman had honey trapped him. KC Patel told the police that the gang is being operated by a woman, who took him to a house in Ghaziabad. He alleged that the gang has been blackmailing him.
The MP alleged that the woman gave him a spiked drink at the Ghaziabad residence and later filmed him in an objectionable manner. The woman later threatened to make the video clips viral if she was not paid Rs five crore.Following the complaint, the Delhi Police has launched a massive manhunt to track the gang that is involved in extortion.”These are all false allegations, I have full faith in law;
will cooperate in the investigation,” said KC Patel.

After failing to ideologically defeat BJP leaders in successive elections, the organized sex and honeytrap groups is back in business to character assassinate astute and nationalist BJP leaders in India, their modus operandi is simple. The woman calls the politician on phone projecting as a BJP worker
or a social victim, later a meeting is set up and at the right opportunity, the drinks and food of the BJP politician is inserted with a sedative, once the politician is unconscious, the women removes her clothes and involves forcefully with the BJP politician in sexual intercourse, her partner secretly enters the premises and take video and photos, once the politician gain consciousness,  he feels tired and goes back to his office. The woman also leaves the premises. After few weeks, the woman and her associates starts calling and texting the objectionable images of the politician and starts demanding money ranging from 1 million dollars to 3 million (5 Crore – 15 Crore) and flats in Delhi, Mumbai etc.

While majority of the woman who engages in such criminal acts act under with an organized back up of sex & honey trap mafia for money targeting rich and affluent Indians, some work with both monetary and political objective. As once a politician image is tarnished with a rape case (even if he is not guilty), his party and workers disowns him partially, as this act is seen as worst act of a weak character which severely undermine the politician success. Character assassination is the latest fashion in India managed by anti national groups.

In 2016, a young and honest politician from Mumbai, Chirag Gupta – BJP Mumbai North India Youth Leader also was victimized by a Haryana based model on rape charges.  Chirag Gupta said our correspondent that since he couldn’t be bought by money or threatened by Anti BJP forces,
he is being accused falsely of rape charges by that Haryana model, incidentally the model has also framed fake charges against a policemen and and Right to information inquiry revealed that the model has also filled fake rape cases on many police and Govt. officers to extort money and properties. Chirag Gupta protested this blackmail and the case is being contested in sessions court of Thane.

He told our correspondent “I have dedicated my whole life for the cause of BJP’s  empowerment, protecting and sustaining the nationalist voice and Hindu human rights in Mumbai area, I was threatened, offered money and positions by Anti India forces but none could deter me in my mission for a powerful and self reliant India , I feel very upset on such fake charges to character assassinate me and I am sure that Indian courts will vindicate me and punish the culprits involved
in honey trapping business”, he has full trust in BJP leadership who will empower him with more responsibilities in the state looking into the fact that his social political integrating north Indian community with the BJP is being appreciated by many leaders.

A prominent socialite told our correspondent that the honey trap business in India is getting organized day by day, with many woman models who come to Mumbai to become actress from across the country. Once they fail to achieve the success, they are very frustrated and broke monetarily to sustain the
lavish life of Mumbai city, as a result they take help of their boyfriends – also failed models and actors to resort to boobytrap young and rich businessman and impactful politicians. They demand flats worth 1 Cr – 3 Cr and INR 5 Crore – INR 10 Crore as a blackmail, in case the politician refuses to surrender, they approach police and file a rape case with a hope that the politician will eventually file for out of court settlement and give them money. In many cases, local police is also involved with a set predefined
plan with advocates and legal documents ready, even before the victim is informed or warned. This to leave no escape route or defense planning by the victims.

BJP Mumbai North India Youth Leader, Chirag Gupta &  KC Patel , BJP’s Lok Sabha MP from Gujarat are latest senior and dynamic BJP leaders whom these honeytrap business targetted. Their primary targets are honest BJP politicans who can’t be influenced by money or power.

Source: World Hindu News
(With inputs from Mid Day and India Today)

India Today

Mid Day