Two dangerous deadlines for Islamic growth and its solution

Muslims will be majority in India by 2050 and they will be majority in the world by 2070.

Upananda Brahmachari | HENB | Haridwar | March 18, 2017::  In our two earlier reports viz, i)  World Must Formulate Muslim Population Policies to Restrict Islamic Growth+ (published in HinduExistence on March 2, 2017) and ii) VHP calls for equal population policy to check Jihad and demographic imbalance+ (published HinduExistence on March 4, 2017), we committed an error.

It was reported then Muslims will be majority in India by 2050 and they will be majority in the world by 2100. When the projection/estimation was correct in Indian perspective, the world scenario was not conveyed correctly.

From a deeper study on Pew reports it is revealed that Muslim will be the largest population of the world by 2070, much earlier than 2100.

Once, Pew hinted the Global Muslim majority by ‘the end of this century’. But, analysts say, “the world’s population of Muslims will grow by 73 per cent between 2010 and 2050, compared to 35 per cent for Christians, the next fastest-growing faith.

The world’s population will grow by 37 per cent over the same period. If those rates of growth continue past 2050, Muslims will outnumber Christians by 2070, the report found.”

As per the same Pew report, “Muslims are the fastest-growing religious group in the world”, and “10% of all Europeans will be Muslims+ by 2050″. The report also says, Muslims will make up 2.1% of the U.S. population by the year 2050 and India will have largest Muslim population+ by the year 2050.

So, these are the two most dangerous deadlines for the world civilization that Muslims will be majority in India by 2050+ and they will attain global majority  by 2070.

But, why I am calling it, ‘two most dangerous deadlines for the world civilization’?

Yes, it is most dangerous, if the present situations prevail, as the most possible potential country to fight against Islam, i.e. India will be defeated by Islam within 2050 and the rest ‘infidel world’ will also be conquered by outrageous ‘Population Jihad’ within 2070.

If, these are not dangerous for your identity, nationality, security, economy, culture and heritage, next generation and human civilization, then please tell me what do you mean to say?

Now, is there any solution to overcome this Islamic aggression at all?

Yes, we can overcome this Islamic aggression only in five steps.

  1. Expose Radical Islam. Expose the radical ideas in Allah, Muhammad, Quran, Sharia and Jihad. Stop promoting ideas like ‘Good Islam’ and ‘Bad Islam’. Expose Islam through active awareness generation and sharp sensitization, especially to kids, youth and women.
  2. Stop Muslim appeasements. Stop all types of state sponsored and political appeasement to the Muslim people. Stop dole, grant-in-aid or sponsorship to the Muslim people/refugees in US, UK, countries in Europe and in Australia. Stop Muslim reservation in jobs, education, economics and politics in India and some other countries. Sharia-Halal-IslamicBanking-Burka-MosqueMiking-RoadNamaj and all other Islamic bullying must be stopped at any cost. Facilities given to Jihad believing organizations like CAIR in US, IRF in India, JuD in Pakistan must be banned forthwith.
  3. Control Muslim population. To prevent Islamic aggression in all sphere of life, control of Muslim population must be given top priority. World organisations must formulate Muslim population policies to restrict Islamic growth. To check the global demographic imbalance due to unbelievable Islamic growth rate, Muslims in all non-Muslim countries must be taken under law enforcement to restrict their child birth through equal population policies effected on others. Conspiracy to convert non-Muslims to Islam and capture reproductive non-Muslim girls and women under Love Jihad must also be neutralized effectively.
  4. End war of Jihad everywhere. The current global expansion of Islam and radicalization of Muslim society are clearly increasing due to propagation of Jihad by many terror outfits. The existence of IS (ISIS-ISIL-Daesh), Al Sahaba, Al Ansar, Harakat u Jihad Islam, Lashkar e Toiba,  Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan, Indian Mujaheddin, Jamaat ul Mujahideen Bangladesh and others are dangerous for  the peace, harmony, prosperity and development of human civilization. The perpetration of Jihad is causing the perpetual peril for the human society. So, we have to sanitize our soil everywhere through a joint battle against Jihadi outfits, whether it is ISIS or Hizbul Mujahideen. Uprooting Jihad is a precondition of World peace and prosperity.
  5. Expunge the hatred-killing-brutality verses from Quran. In actualities, many verses in Quran are being utilized or misutilized for Islamic supremacy inter alia Pan Islamism, Khilafat, Ghazwa e Hind etc.  by the Jihadi outfits like IS, HUJI, LeT, JMB, IM or so called Social organisations like CAIR, IRF or JuD. Quran has been posed as the central source of hatred, killing, brutality, rights violation and many uncivilized acts and behaviours. Such verses of hatred, killing, brutality etc. are causing the blasts, attacks, execution, war, killing, rape and other social maladies. In most of the cases, such verses are against the law on any non-muslim country under its own constitution. Hence, the contradictory Quranic verses relating hatred, killing, brutality must be expunged from it for the promotion of Islamic attributes to others, if any.
