Music is anti-Sharia. 42 Islamist orgs issue Fatwa against 16 yrs Muslim girl singer in Assam

Upendra Bharti  | HENB | Guwahati | March 15, 2017:: As many as 42 Muslim clerics from  different Muslim organisations and Islamic seminaries in Assam have issued a fatwa against a teenage girl singer asking her to refrain from performing in public or be ready to face consequences.

The singer, identified as Nahid Afrin (16), now studying in 10th standard, was a runner-up in the 2015 edition of musical reality TV show Indian Idol Junior, and had recently performed songs targeting terrorism, including dreaded terror group Islamic State.

The clerics have announced to boycott the programmes of the singer at Sonai Bibi College at Udali in Hojai District of Assam. The fatwa comes just days ahead of her scheduled live event on March 25. Afrin is slated to perform in the town on March 25.

It is not entirely clear whether it is her performance or her take against terrorism that has invited the ire of the clerics. Reports suggest that the venue of the event was in the vicinity of a mosque and a graveyard, prompting clerics to say they will stop her from performing here and other places as well.

“Magic, Dance, Drama, Theatre etc. are against Sharia laws. Events like musical shows are against the Sharia law and future generations will be corrupted,” the pamphlet read.

“If anti-Sharia acts like musical nights are held on grounds surrounded by masjids, idgahs, madrassas and graveyards, our future generations will attract the wrath of Allah,” the fatwa read.

However, Assam police  said that they are probing whether the fatwa was issued for her songs against ISIS or her upcoming performance in the city.  Ironically, they are wasting time by not arresting anyone of such Islamist groups who are threatening a teenage singer violating her love for music whether it is  against ISIS or some muslim morons.

Assam CM  Sonowal assures Nahid for security and support

Following reports of threat against the young singer, Assam Chief Sarbananda Sonowal called up Nahid assuring her of all help. Sonowal told Nahid that she will be provided proper security cover.

Sonowal, who was in Imphal to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the maiden BJP government in Manipur, said he had personally spoken to the “Indian Idol” star.

“We will give 100 per cent security to her. Yesterday, I personally spoke to her and ensured that she did not have to worry.  The whole state is with her”, Sonowal told India Today in Imphal on Wednesday.

Other prominent persons of the state too have come out in support of Nahid.

Meanwhile, Assam Police said they were investigating whether the fatwa was a reaction to Nahid recently performing songs against terrorism, including the banned terror group Islamic State.

“We are looking at this angle as well,” ADG (special branch) Pallab Bhattacharya said.

Nahid not broke down, says my love for Music for ever

Form a media report, it is divulged that the threatened singer keeps steady. Nadid is not afraid of the threat and will continue to pursue her dream of making it big in the music industry.

“Was shocked and broken from inside at first, but many Muslim singers gave me inspiration to not quit music, will never do so,” Afrin said.

“My singing is gift of God. I believe it must be properly utilised, not doing so is ignoring Allah,” she said when asked about the fatwa issued against her.

Afrin  mentioned the Music legacy of Indian Muslim maestros beginning from Mia Tansen, Ustad Alauddin, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Ustad Bismillah Khan upto Ustad Rashid Khan and so on.

“Music legacy of Indian Muslim maestros is far greater than such fanatic’s fatwa”, told Afrin to HENB.

Nahid, who made her Bollywood singing debut for actress Sonakshi Sinha in the 2016 movie ‘Akira’, first rose to stardom after a successful stint on a reality singing show ‘Indian Idol Junior -Season II’ in the year 2015.

The name of Islamist Organisations in fatwa leaflet, why not a single one arrested?

Though the fatwa  leaflet does not take the name of Nahid Afrin for once, it clearly mentions the Musical programme of Nahid scheduled at Sonai Bibi College ground at Udali town of Hojai District in Assam on 25th March.

Many Radical Islamist organisation and Islamic educational institutions have issued the culpable fatwa against Afrin.  Some organisations are, Muhaddis e Assam, Jamia Jalalia Hojai, Shaikhul Dahid Jamia  Assam, Darul hadis Joynagar, Assam State Jamiat Ulema, Udali Rahmania Madrasa, Mohammadia Senior Madrasa, Talimi Tarakki Board, Udaligaon M E School, Fultali Hafizia Madrasa, Mahakamae Sharia Assam, Lankabazar Zame Masjid, Udali Husania Madrasa, Nakhuti Husania Madrasa, Lanka Banat Madrasa, Lankajan hafejia Madrasa, Tiniali Anchalik Jame Masjid, Khring Khring Jame Masjid with many others.

Interestingly, Assam police has not taken any significant move against these organisations, has not arrested any single radical even after Assam CM’s assurance to Nahid Afrin.

Assam’s Hojai is Muslim majority district and highly influenced by the radicals coming from Bangladesh.

__Input from PTI and India Today.
