Hindu Republican Coalition demands ban on Pakistan, Saudi Arabia too

Shalabh Kumar says Trump administration taking steps to protect citizens from Islamic terrorism

WASHNIGTON: (Web Desk) – Republican Hindu Coalition has on Monday expressed support for the United States (US) president Donald Trump’s actions banning visas for seven Muslim countries.

According to The Huffington Post, the chairman of the coalition Shalabh Kumar said that the Trump administration was taking the steps in order to protect the US citizens from Islamic terrorism.

“A firm stance against terror is one of the pillars of our organization and one of the central tenets of the Trump campaign, and we fully support our Commander-in-Chief taking the necessary steps to protect our country.”

Trump had banned the admissions of all refugees for 120 days and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. The countries banned include Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Syria and Libya.

The Republican Hindu Coalition also demanded banning three more countries, including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.

“While Americans do not discriminate, and this is a country that encourages legal immigration and celebrates the contributions that immigrants have made to our culture, it is about time we get serious about combating the dangers of terrorism on our shores,” said Kumar.

Source: dunyanews.tv