RSS Working for Nation Building: Mohan Bhagwat

RSS Working for Nation Building: Mohan Bhagwat

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is working for nation building and the welfare of all and it does not have anything to keep secret, this was stated by RSS chief Dr Mohan Bhagwat.

Addressing the Arun Chetana Sammelan at Itanager, the RSS chief said, “It does not work against anybody, but works for the uplift of the nation and welfare of all the people.” Refuting the allegation on RSS of conversion, Dr Bhagwat appealed to the people not to judge the Sangh through media reports.

Bhagwat further stated that the RSS is maintaining distance itself from politics, though it feels the necessity of honest and patriotic people in the political parties and tries to send such people to the parties. “RSS does not own any political party, but would like to send good people to all parties, if they accept our workers.”

Referring to the greatness of country Bharat and its cultural heritage, the RSS chief pointed that unity in diversity is the bench mark of our culture. Opposing conversions from one religion to another, Dr. Bhagwat opined that uniformity is not required for unity. The diversity that we have is only atop but deep inside there is a common string of ethics and cultural identity which connects the different languages, food habits, ways of worship, etc.

Bhagwat further stated RSS does not differentiate people on minority and majority issues but would like to organize all the citizens to work for the uplift and welfare of the nation. Appreciating the national spirit and patriotism of the people of Arunachal Pradesh, Bhagwat said, “He saluted them for strongly opposing the Chinese claim over Arunachal Pradesh.”
