RSS accuses CPM of organising unprovoked attacks against its workers in Kerala, demands action

RSSThe three-day national executive committee meeting of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS, held in Hyderabad has strongly condemned the continuing violence of CPI(M) against RSS and other opponents in Kerala.
Ever since the RSS started its work in Kerala way back in 1942, it accused that the Leftists, and afterwards particularly the CPI(M), unnerved by the RSS mission of inculcating patriotic feeling and the spirit of unity and oneness among the people of the state, as also its ever growing popularity and influence among the people, have been busily engaged in a vain attempt to finish off the RSS by organising unprovoked and wanton attacks against Sangh Shakhas and workers.

The RSS accused that Marxism as an ideology, by its very nature, is not only intolerant but also totalitarian. It alleged that over the last seven decades, more than 250 young, energetic and promising Sangh workers were murdered and scores of men and women incapacitated due to serious injuries in the most dreaded manner by the CPI(M) cadres all over the state with the silent connivance and approval of the leadership.

The maximum number of these victimised RSS workers, are from Kannur district, supposed to be the CPI(M) citadel.

The RSS said that recently, C.K. Ramachandran, a BMS worker, was gruesomely murdered in his home on July 11, 2016, in front of his wife, paying no heed to her repeated pleas to show mercy to him. On October 12, 2016, RSS worker K. Ramith was killed in broad daylight in front of his house, while he was rushing out of his house to buy medicine for his pregnant sister.

The RSS called upon the Government of Kerala as well as the Union Government to take appropriate action urgently against the perpetrators of violence and necessary measures to ensure rule of law in Kerala.

It also appealed to the people at large including media to create public opinion against the violent tactics of CPI(M) by raising their voice in various fora.

Source: Meri News