” Please Save 25 Million Hindus In Bangladesh” Hindus @ Trump Tower







New York: Just like Yezidis in Iraq, Hindus too are being persecuted in Bangladesh and Pakistan by the Islamists. Hindus from Bangladesh residing in US rallied in front of Trump Towers on Sunday, 27th of November 2016 demanding that the President elect Honorable Donald J. Trump save the Hindus and other non-Muslim populations in Bangladesh from the hands of militant radical Islamists.

As the organizer Mr. Sitangshu Guha told the rally, we had voted for Mr. Trump and now we want to appraise him that the Hindus and other religious minorities in Bangladesh are routinely persecuted with no end of it in sight. He wished while in office President Trump do something to dismantle the anti -American and anti-Hindu global terror network with its base in Bangladesh for the sake of humanity. Also a memorandum was sent to the Trump team which details minority persecution including recent Brahmanbaria and Santal killings.

Organizer Mr. Vincent Bruno of ‘Justice for Hindus’ echoed Mr. Guha and told that, ‘we support Mr. Trump’ and wish that Mr. Trump will look deep into the fact that why Hindus are being uprooted in Bangladesh and in Pakistan. The organizers believe that Islamist groups like Jamaat-E-Islami and Tablighi Jamaat need to be banned and their assets need to be frozen to dismantle the Anti-American terror network that exists, targeting the Hindus but also working with global terror organizations.

Travel ban needs to be imposed on the leaders of these organizations and their assets need to be frozen. Tablighi Jamaat for example is one of the largest recruiters for ISIS, is involved in several terror cases and is strongly anti-American. They also have deep connections within the Pakistani establishment and ISI. Mr. Mendi Safadi, President, International Diplomacy, Research and PR (An Israeli HR organization) joined the rally and declared that he knows what is happening in Bangladesh with the Hindus and called it an ethnic cleansing. Mr. Nabendu Dutta, President, Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, USA; announced that there will be a Rally in front of White House on 11 December 2016 @ 2PM on the same issue.

53 million Hindus have disappeared from Bangladesh since its formation in 1971 according to Hindu Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. More than 600 Hindus from Bangladesh are being forced to leave Bangladesh everyday after severe persecution they face at the hands of Islamists. Rapes, molestation of Hindu women and beheadings of Hindu men are rampant in Bangladesh. Experts say that in 30 years no Hindus or minorities will be left in Bangladesh if nothing is done to reverse the situation. The speakers also complained that the Bangladesh government did nothing to stop unabated Hindu persecution in Bangladesh, rather police killed 4 indigenous Hindu Santhals in Gopalganj in this month of November.

It may be noted that 2500 Santhal houses were burnt to ashes on those occasions. The speakers also noted that, in Nasirnagar, Brahmanbaria, a minister Syedul Haq and local MP Mokthadir Rabiul were involved in burning, looting 300 Hindu houses and destroying 15 temples and government took no action. In last 6 six years at least 50 major massacre of Hindus and other minorities have taken place, but the government failed to bring the perpetrators to justice for any of these massacres.

They observed that what is happening in Bangladesh on Hindus is a shame for Bangladesh and in all cases government minister and MP, or cadres are involved. The opposition in Bangladesh also joins in these anti-Hindu pogrom, making the Hindus a national pariah. The rally also demanded to scrap the blasphemous ICT Act 57, which is used on Hindus only.

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)