Opinion: D. C. Nath (President, Patriot’s Forum) – The Value Of Indian Scriptures

DC-Nath-SmallPresident of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…



September 26, 2016
Dear Friends,

JAI Hind!

Subject: The Value Of Indian Scriptures

We are no pundits. A long-time friend, Shri Ved Prakash Bhatia, has sent a copy of his recently published book, “Ethical Values And Spiritual Values In Indian Scriptures”. Although the value of Indian scriptures are generally known, and are often appreciated, first by foreign scholars. We felt we could attempt to bring forward to you some of the core values from the book.

Shri Bhatia has covered a wide field. He has touched upon the relationship between ethical values in modern day Business Management. Bhatia had, after retirement, studied business management and later taught the subject. He feels the Gita has the essence of the modern day Management Science.

He has covered the Vedas also the Bhagwad Gita. It is good to see he has covered the scriptures in the South, such as, Thirukkaral by Thirukkara. Many in the North are not aware that Indian scriptures and scholars in Vedas and Upanishad are more in number in the South. As a matter of fact, we have a feeling that the South is holding the true Indian culture more than in the North.

Bhatia contends, “The present alarming erosion of human values in management practices to ethical dilemmas could prove a threatening factor for all round development of a nation.”

Although many savants have echoed the of the “niti” shasrta have echoed many of the ethical values and instructions in their own celebrated works. Bhatia, quite rightly, referred to the “niti” shastra of Kautilya, San Sutzu of India, that has made him stand out as the most significant historical figure of all times.

Before concluding Bhata says, “There are many gems of ethical values in the Vedas and Upanishads”

So, Bhatia says, “May I conclude with the hope that all of us shall endeavor to cultivate the ethical values in order to succeed in leading a spiritual and contended life?”

Well, Friends we do hope many amongst us would follow Bhatia’s wish.

Well done Bhatia! We wish more strength to your elbows.
(Published by Notion Press, Old No 38, New No 6. McNicols Road, Cjetpet Chennai—-600 031)


Your sevak,

D.C. Nath

(Former Spl. Director, IB)

(President, Patriots’ Forum)


For information:

· The Minister for HRD Ministry

(Shri Prakash Javadekar)

· The Secretary for HRD Ministry

(Dr. Subash Chandra Khuntia)

· Cabinet Secretary

(Shri Pradeep Kumar Sinha)

· The Prime Minister’s Office

(Shri P.K. Mishra)

· The Prime Minister’s Office II

· The National Security Advisor,

(Shri A K Doval)


Yours sincerely,

D.C. Nath

(Former Spl. Director, IB)

(President, Patriots’ Forum)


Source:  Patriots Forum

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