Hindu Sena irked over satirical film Mama’s Boy that shows Mahabharat characters as homosexuals

A complaint has been filed against Delhi Belly’s director Akshat Verma by the Hindu Sena wherein the organisation alleged that the director had hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus by making fun of the Mahabharat in its sixteen minute satirical film titled Mama’s Boy. 

The complaint filed at Parliament Street Police Station has the Hindu Sena chief asking the police to take stringent action against the filmmaker for the portrayal of some characters in the Mahabharat as homosexuals. 

The film is a satirical take on Draupadi’s polygamous wedding to the Pandavas, using a lot of innuendos. 

Mama's Boy featuring Aditi Rao Hydari (left) and Neena Gupta (right) is a satirical take on Draupadi’s polygamous wedding to the Pandavas, using a lot of innuendos

Mama’s Boy featuring Aditi Rao Hydari (left) and Neena Gupta (right) is a satirical take on Draupadi’s polygamous wedding to the Pandavas, using a lot of innuendos

The film Mama’s Boy featuring actress Aditi Rao Hydari as Draupadi and acclaimed actress Neena Gupta as Kunti is getting huge response on social networking sites. 

“Akshat Verma and the team of Mama’s Boy have deliberately and maliciously acted intending to outrage religious feelings of Hindus by insulting its religion and religious beliefs by making fun of its religious book. The content of the film may also be made objectionable under article 19(2) of Constitution of India,” read the complaint. 

The film portrays some characters in the Mahabharat as homosexuals

The film portrays some characters in the Mahabharat as homosexuals

The Hindu Sena Chief, who had forwarded the complaint had said that the film should be removed from YouTube and the makers of the film must immediately face strict action. 

The makers of the film could not be contacted for their response. 

The police has received the complaint, but are yet to file an FIR regarding the matter. 

“We have received the complaint and are going through the contents of the letter. We will soon take the appropriate action as per the law,” said a senior police officer.


Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3783480/Hindu-Sena-irked-satirical-film-Mama-s-Boy-shows-Mahabharat-characters-homosexuals.html#