Appeal to save Hindu ashram in USA hijacked by anti-Modi Muslim hardliners


Namaskar                                                                                                                                    7/28/2016

This letter is to make a fervent appeal to you  to reclaim the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation in Tomales, California,USA founded by an Indian Hindu spiritual teacher, who has since passed on.

The Center, called Ramagiri, has been hijacked by Christian and Muslim zealots, who have twisted the Guru’s Hindu teachings for their own nefarious ends.  Christine(Christian) and Sultana(Muslim) claim to be the divine wives of the Indian Guru, who had an Indian family. The  Guru’s Indian family and his  own children have been completely cut off from all activities at the meditation center and expelled from the center. Christine has a strong anti-Hindu and anti-Indian bias, and goes out of her way to denigrate both. Of late, the center is fertile ground for a strong movement to discredit honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It also secretly funds groups which organize anti-Modi protests.

Many Indians who donate to the ashram are not aware that their money is being used to propagate Islam and for anti-Modi campaigns

Two biographies of the Guru published by the center, “The making of a teacher,” and” With my love and blessings,” have blacked about all mention of  his Indian family or his children. It is as if they never existed.

The people who have hijacked the ashram from the Guru’s Indian Hindu family are VERY DEVIOUS AND MANIPULATIVE. They follow the practice of Mukh mein Ram, bagal mein churi.

Among the many insidious activities of the ashram in the recent past are the funding and promoting of campaigns for  “self-determination for the people of Kashmir as an integral part of Pakistan”, “highlighting atrocities on Muslims by Hindus in India” “promoting the eating of beef among Dalits to solve the food problem.”

What is worrying is the blatant attempt to subvert the sacred teachings of the Bhagwad Geeta and dilute it with commandments from the Koran. Also, several scandalous incidents are taking place in the center which reflects very badly on all  Indians and Hindus. Shockingly, one of the methods of salvation preached at the center is through sex with minor children. This is called the Hindu way.  A few years back, Stephen Rupenthal,  the chief spiritual mentor at the meditation center was arrested at O’hare airport (Chicago)for soliciting child sex, while paying a visit to induct new spiritual aspirants. Here is a brief synopsis of the case from the Cook County Court records:

This is the most well known case. I saw   many examples of child abuse when I was associated with the ashram. When I complained I was threatened and thrown out of the ashram.

Please start a campaign to stop the denigration of Hindus at an ashram founded by a Hindu teacher and also stop the sustained campaign against Modiji.

Please  call Christine, Diana Lightman or Sultana at the center’s board of trustees and request them not to  denigrate Indians and Hinduism. The contact details are:

Blue Mountain Center of Meditation,

PO Box 256, Tomales, CA 94971 USA

(The physical address is 3600 Petaluma-Tomales Road, Tomales, CA 94971)

Telephone:  Toll free 800.475.2369 or 707.878.2369

Facsimile: 707.878.2375

The center can also be contacted through Facebook or Twitter(hashtag Blue_Mt_Center), Instagram  and also through its web site

Thank you  very much for your service in defending Hinduism.

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)