05-1In a reshuffle 20 office bearers of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have been given new responsibilities. The most notable is that RSS (Gujarat) Chief Spokesperson (prachar pramukh) Pradip Jain has been relieved of his charge and will now helm the expansion of the National Institute of Mass Communication and Journalism (NIMCJ). Jain was chief spokesperson of RSS’s Gujarat chapter for eight years besides handling operations of NIMCJ. However, now he will be exclusively focus on operation and exapansion of NIMCJ that is operated by the RSS-backed Vishwa Samvad Education Trust (VSET).

Jain has been replaced by Vijay Thakar, a bank officer, who acted as cospokesperson during Jain’s tenure as spokesperson. Jain’s new responsibility also points at the fact that RSS gives much importance to expansion of NIMCJ. Sources from the organisation explained, “The RSS top brass is taking keen interest in the field of media, its effect on society and the manner in which it builds people’s opinion.

With this vision, the organisation intends to expand NIMCJ to ensure it can create a positive effect on the society.” It is likely the new college campus may be in Khatraj, on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. Jain, who is also managing trustee of VSET, confirmed that the institute will undergo expansion and also move to a new place. “The process is in the initial stages so we do not have details. We have been operating this college for the past eight years and given nearly 175 journalists to the society. It is now time for change,” he said.

As per Jain, the need of the hour is journalists who can put forth news with better understanding of the society and nation. “Media has a hand in building the opinion of people and helping them take informed decisions. We need journalists and professionals who understand society’s realities in a holistic manner,” the former RSS Gujarat spokesperson said, adding, “Ahmedabad is the hub of education with premiere institutes like IIMA, NID, etc.

With media being the fourth pillar of society, it is high time Ahmedabad has a state-of-art institute in this field too. We want our institute to transform the society.” At present, NIMCJ operates from a commercial building on SG Highway. Students are conferred Gujarat University-recognised PG Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism after a two-year course.


With 20 office bearers shouldering new duties now, RSS officials like Dr Sunil Borisa, Ashok Patel, Urjit Shukla, Haresh Thakkar, Hitendra Mojidra, among others have new profiles. The reshuffling exercise covers sampark, seva, sharirik, maha vidyalaya, boudhik and prachaar departments of the RSS. Newly-appointed spokesperson Thakar said, “We cannot divulge the information as the reshuffle is an internal organisation matter.” State RSS chief Mukesh Malkan could not be reached for comments.