RSS chief calls for building equal Hindu society


Summary: Noting that gaps between constituents of Hindu society had widened post-independence, the RSS chief blamed it on the general neglect of Hindus. “Now I avoid speaking on the issue,” rued the RSS chief. Nagpur : “Kuchh karne jao to virodh karne wale bahot hote hain,” (if you set out to to do something, you often meet stiff resistance), said RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. In the Sangh, we train swayamsevaks in such a way that they see only a Hindu and not caste and community,” Bhagwat stressed. The Sarsanghachalak said that RSS was relentlessly working towards building an egalitarian society.

Nagpur : “Kuchh karne jao to virodh karne wale bahot hote hain,” (if you set out to to do something, you often meet stiff resistance), said RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. He was indirectly referring to the hue and cry over his pre-Bihar elections interview in which he spoke of need to check if people who were meant to get benefits of reservations were indeed getting them. Bhagwat was addressing a convention of Matang community here on Thursday. Matangs are a backward community seeking reservation.

“Now I avoid speaking on the issue,” rued the RSS chief. His remarks on reservations had become a major election issue and, many believe, cause of BJP’s debacle there. “The RSS does not run the government, nor does it interfere in its working. But the prime minister and state chief minister (Maharashtra) are swayamsevaks and I hope they will help you,” he added for good measure while assuring that if he gets a chance he would take up Matangs’ demand with the powers that be. The Sarsanghachalak said that RSS was relentlessly working towards building an egalitarian society.
